The Return of Godzilla

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Elsewhere, a small helicopter was flying above the sea below.

"Any big change in his activity?" The co-pilot asked.

"Nope." The pilot responded. "Subject Voorhees is still unconscious. The guys are currently transporting him back to Japan to begin the testing."

"And how long will that take?"

The pilot thought for a moment. "Either today or two more days. There's alot of paperwork to fill and documents to research."

"Let me tell you, I doubt that this will work." The co-pilot explained. "Think about it. This is JASON VOORHEES. Undead? Probably immortal, he's got a high kill count and is highly deadly."

"Al, you worry too much. I'm sure the guys will make su-"

Before the pilot could finish, a blast of a blue beam shined into the sky, scaring them.

The helicopter tried to stay afloat, but before they could get it straight, a large beast rose from the depths of the sea.

It was 100 feet tall, charcoal scales, dorsal plates shining blue, and two firey red eyes.

The two pilots shouted in fear, yelling the monster's name:


Before they could escape, Godzilla fired his atomic breath at the helicopter, killing both men and destroying the helicopter itself.

The nearby army base quickly went into panic, sending out tanks and attack helicopters.

They opened fire on the atomic monster, not even scratching him.

Godzilla made it to land, and began smashing on the tanks, and slashing the helicopters with his mighty claws.

Godzilla knew the drill by now. He had become used to the attack pattern by this point.

The army fired faster, more tanks emerging and blasting away.

Godzilla snarled.

Godzilla then turned around and used his tail to slam the tanks down.

He turned back around and roared his mighty call.


His dorsal plates began to glow bright blue, and he blasted his atomic breath at the remaining tanks and the base itself.

Fire and smoke everywhere, Godzilla's attackers were vanquished.

Snarling, the beast turned back around and returned to the sea...

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