The Living Plant

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Tako was watching the entire battle from a television, and clapped. "YES, YES, YES!"

Tako cheered at Ghidorah. "Take down that menace! I'm sick of Godzilla..."

Tako's bodyguard walked in and watched the battle.
"Sir, you're lucky we found this room. If Jason comes in here, we're done for!"

"Oh, I don't even care anymore! I've done it!" Tako laughed. "For years, I have been irritated by this 'Godzilla' menace. He keeps taking my publicity...but he won't for long! Thanks to the blood of Mister Voorhees, Godzilla won't be raiding again after this!"

The bodyguard sighed.

Just outside the small office room the two were hiding in, Harry, Andrew and Nastsha ran together down the hall.

The guards and other folks were helping them escape, as Jason was pursuing them across the entire complex.

The three passed by two guards, as Jason turned around the corner. The guards took out pistols and opened fire on Jason, but Jason slashed them both in half with his mighty machete.

He growled, continuing the chase of the three.

'Ch ch ch, ah ah ah...'
The sound again played. Was it coming from Jason?
Or was it just in their heads?

No-one knows, and it's best not to overthink it now.

Andrew looked at a nearby lab door. "In here! I have a plan."

The two nodded, following Andrew into the lab.

It was a large room, with a giant glass container leaning against a wall, with glass jars on the two tables in the room.

"Come on, come has to be one of these!" Andrew began checking the jars, and their name tags.

"What are we looking for?" Harry said, looking also.

"A friend of mine was working on a plant-based organism. Think an infective disease but as a visible brainless plant squid!" Andrew explained.

"That's insantly stupid but I love the concept!" Harry replied.

"I know!" Andrew kept checking.

"FOUND IT!" Natasha held up the jar.

Just as she said that, Jason broke the door down, walking through it.

"OPEN IT AND THROW IT AT HIM!" Andrew commanded.

Natasha nodded, and opened the jar, throwing it as Jason.

Before Jason could do anything, he found something grab onto his head and covering his vision.

It felt like a squid, but it felt very...


Andrew grinned.

"Jason, say Biollante."

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