Jason Against Biollante

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"NO! NOOO!" Tako yelled, smashing the television on the ground. "YOU STUPID LIZARD MOTHERFUCKER!"

"Godzilla is actually a dinosaur-like cre-" Tako's bodyguard pointed out, but Tako was too busy screaming at the TV to listen.

The bodyguard sighed again.
"The things I do for cash..."

Meanwhile outside the room , Jason was slammed into a wall, trying to get the strange plant creature off.

Just when he tires to rip it off, it keeps growing back and attaching to his head harder.

"Jesus christ, that thing is strong..." Harry said.

"Yeah, my friend created the Biollante lifeform to be as strong as Godzilla." Andrew scratched his neck. "And he succeeded, from the look of it all."

Jason stumbled forward, trying hard with all his strength to rip off the Biollante heart, but everytime he tried it kept attaching faster and clawing into his head harder.

Jason stumbled right, and reached for his machete.

As he took it out, he tired slashing the beast. But a vine sprang from Biollante, and grabbed Jason's arm, preventing him from slashing it off.

Jason growled, stumbling back and forth into a wall. Eventually, Jason slammed into a wall so hard, he found himself in another different room.

He growled loudly, grabbing hard at Biollante and pulling as hard as he can, as Biollante kept attaching harder.

As Jason moved his hands, he accidentally knocked over another jar.

A jar labeled 'Hedorah Slime: DO NOT OPEN'

Andrew rushed over and saw the jar on the floor.
"Oh no."

A black, vomit-looking slime began to slither out and crawl over Jason.

Jason growled even louder, trying to kick it off and failing. Then, the Biollante uncovered Jason's face, but still holding a tight grip around him.

The plant began to form as a crocodile-like head with sharp teeth, and prepared to eat Jason's head.

But before it could, the Hedorah slime splashed all over Biollante's head, causing it to hiss. The slime grew a red-glowing eye, and threw itself at Biollante.

Biollante released Jason, as it was being slimed on by Hedorah.

As Jason watched, the Hedorah slime glooped all over the plant-beast, as a red glow began to emerge.

It got brighter, and brighter, and brighter. Until-


Biollante and Hedorah exploded on each other, causing their insides to explode all over the room.

Including Jason.

Jason growled in disgust, wiping all the gross slime and flicking it on the floor.

If there's one thing Jason hates more then teens, it's garbage and pollution.

And toxic waste, but that's a different story.

Jason looked at the open door, seeing Andrew standing in front of it.

The hockey-masked killer made his way slowly over to Andrew, walking slowly. Andrew walked back into a wall, as Jason began to walk out of the room.

But then-

"STUPID HOCKEY PLAYER!" A voice called out, shouting from another room.

"B-Boss?!" Andrew yelled.

"YOU UTTER INCOMPETENT CRITEN!!" Tako roared, his body guard trying to calm him down.

Tako rushed over and poked Jason on the chest hard. "YOU HAVE THE BLOOD OF A LITERAL BUFFOON, YOU ROTTEN-FACED MUTT!"

Tako screamed angrily, and rushed into the room Jason was in.

Everyone just stood, utterly confused.

He came out with a large jar of blue ooze, with Jason looking utterly confused.

"BOSS, WAIT, NOT THAT-" Andrew tried to stop his boss.

But it was too late.

The ooze was splashed all over Jason by Tako. "YEAH! GO ON, CRY LIKE A LITTLE BABY! MAYBE YOU'LL GET A REALITY CHECK!" Tako shouted.

"...boss?" Andrew said.

Tako looked at Andrew. "What?"

"That's a growth slime. It makes any who touches it grow to Godzilla's size." Andrew confirmed.

". . ."

His eyes wide and mouth open in shock, Tako slowly turned his head to face Jason, who was looking down on him.

"...my apologies, sir." Tako nervously said, putting on a nervous smile. "It's a common mistake."

Then, Jason began to grow.

"He's growing!" Natasha shouted, with everyone moving away from the killer.

"Oh dear, oh dear..." Tako nervously said.

Jason began to grow larger, with his head reaching the roof.

As the others began to run off, Jason began to keep growing taller.

And taller, and taller, and taller...

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