Jason Raids Again

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In the dark autopsy room, Jason lied on an operating table.

Chained up so he couldn't move in case he awoke, six scientists...Harry included...looked down on the beast.

"My god, it's really him..." Harry muttered. "My classmates used to tell stories about him. They used to scare the shit outta me."

"Yeah, never thought he was real..." A scientist replied. "Funny how things turn out."

Harry inspected Jason.
He had a torn-up brown jacket, with a dirty grey jumpsuit underneath. Jason's mask was...well, a hockey mask. Just as the stories said he wore.

Across the top right corner of the mask, a large slash was there.
Seemed like it came from an axe, judging by the looks-

"You good?" A scientist asked Harry.

"Oh, err, yeah. Sorry, I was just-" Harry explained.

"It's all good, man. I understand." The scientist looked at Jason. "It's werid for me, too."

"Yeah..." Harry said. "Hey, uh, what's your name?"


"Nice to meet you.." Harry said, nervously smiling.

Andrew grinned, as another scientist spoke.
"Alright, let's take off the mask and get what we need."

"And that is...?" Harry asked.

"The boss wants some of Jason's blood. No clue why, but it's probably not for good use." Andrew said. "He thinks he can make a monster to stop Godzilla."

"No one can beat Godzilla, surely?" Harry asked again. "I mean, he's the king of monsters."

"You never know." Andrew said back.

Looking back, Harry grabbed a small knife, and began cutting around Jason's mask.
Black smiley blood dripped onto the table.

A fellow scientist grabbed a tube, getting all the blood in there.

Cutting around the mask would make taking it off easier. And that's what Harry did.

He took it off, and dropped it-

"EURRGH!" Harry stepped back, smelling a horrid oder and seeing the hideous face under the mask.

He vomited slightly, but Andrew patted him on the back.

It was human-looking, but all trace has vanished. The skin was rotting and slimey, with an exposed skeleton jaw with rotten teeth.

Jason only had one eye, with the left eye having been slashed out ages ago, leaving a small sign of battle damage left behind.

Across his forehead was an axe slash in the same place the axe mark on the mask was. It went through the whole head.

"Sorry, sorry. I just didn't expect that..." Harry walked back to Jason's body.

"All good, my bro." Andrew looked at Jason. "I nearly did the same thing."

"This guy looks like he's been through hell itself!" A scientist remarked.

"Unless he IS hell itself." Harry muttered. Everyone laughed a little.

As Jason slept, he heard a voice call out to him.
His late mother's voice.

'Jason...my special boy.
You've been sleeping a while, but it's time to wake up.
There's people trying to hurt you, and you can't let that happen!
Make them pay, Jason.
Make them pay for what they did to you!'

Andrew looked at the blood in the tube. "Alright, we got the blood. Let's put him in the mourge and we should be-"

Before he could finish the sentence, Jason rose up from the operating table, breaking the chains restraining him down.

The scientists screamed, stumbling back as Jason got up and stood, looking around the room.

'Ki ki ki, ma ma ma...' A silent sound was heard.

Harry stood frozen, completely terrified of what was in front of him.

Jason. The killer of myth and legend...standing right in front of him for the world to see.

It was terrifying.

Jason looked at Harry, then looked down.

He reached down...and grabbed his mask off the ground, putting it back on.

Jason growled.

From behind, a scientist had grabbed an emergency crowbar and ran at Jason.

As Jason turned around, a scientist smacked a crowbar across his head.

It didn't do any damage, so Jason awarded the scientist by grabbing his shirt and PUNCHING his head clean off.
The head flew and landed in a nearby bin.

Probably wasn't the best idea, but hey, we make mistakes.

Except this mistake resulted in a death. So...ouch.

The other scientists screamed, as Harry and Andrew ran out the door and escaped, locking it so Jason doesn't escape.

Jason took out his machete, and approched the three remaining people that awoke him.

For one, he slashed them across the chest.

For the second, he stabbed the machete right through his head.

For the final one, Jason put his machete away, and grabbed the scientist's head.

He moved to a wall and SMASHED it into pieces, blood splatting everywhere.

Jason threw the body on the floor, and looked at the door.

Wherever he is, he's gonna get out.

One way...or another.

Andrew and Harry ran down the hall, screaming.

Natasha ran to see what was going on. "What?! What's happened!?"

"I-It's Jason! He's awakened and he's killing everyone!" Harry explained breathlessly.

"WHAT?!" Natasha shouted.

"It's OK, we locked him in. I'm sure he can't get out!" Andrew said. "I'm Andrew, by the way."

Just as Andrew said that, the sound of a door slamming onto the ground could be heard. Along with the scream of a female.

Looks like he got out.

"We can introduce ourselves later." Natasha said. "We gotta book it outta here. He's probably gonna hunt you two down."

"Wh-what?! Why!?" Harry panicked.

"Because Jason never leaves a task unfinished! He'll want to finish off everyone in that room! Follow me!"

The two boys nodded, and ran with Natasha.

Andrew dropped the blood sample on the ground, causing someone to pick it up.

That someone...was the very boss that wanted it. Tako Fukushi.

"Hmm...I've got the blood and it's owner.

Right in my hands."

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