Chapter 1 - I Thought you were Possessed

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Hyra's pov

"Heimdall, I know you can see me!" I yell at the sky, "Take thee! Take thee anywhere: anywhere away from thy ethereal prison!"

Dead silence.

But I'm not surprised. I've never gotten a reply, not in over two thousand years. Looking out at the sun-kissed fields of Vanaheim, I try not to let myself be too disappointed.

Everyday - for the past two millennia - I have called for Heimdall to take me away. Originally, I used to ask for Asgard. But now, I welcome anywhere.

Walking back towards the grand castle of the Venir, a light breath of wind from the south gets my attention.

"The wind doth never blow from the south: only the north," I say as I turn, "so who are y-"

"Hyra Odindottir, thou know full well who I am," a deep voice cuts in.

"Heimdall," I breath out in astonishment.

"Aye, and I am here to grant thee thou wish," he states, holding his golden sword loosely by his side.

My eyes don't waver from the state we're locked in, "Thou? Thou tortured thee for millennia gone by. And now I am meant to thank thee for a request long begged for?" I seeth, knowing full well he knows of what I speak.

"I saw everything you saw: I did not torture thee; you tortured thouself," he reasons calmly, his Asgardian accent a near forgotten memory of my previous home.

"Thy father imprisoned thee with an untouchable window to the realms, like a lowly servant. At the gates of Vanaheim, he locked thee away with a parting gift," I recall bitterly, "He forcefully presented thee a gift, synonymous with a curse: the Eye of Heimdall. I could see all - even when thy doth not want to - but never have an impact."

A silence, broken only by the light chirping of birds, and the calm rustle of the wheat fields in the summer breeze, falls upon us.

"It doth not appear much a prison to thee," he comments, looking out across the landscape.

"Thou sound just like Odin," I mutter, gaining his attention once more.

"Thou hast the choice to accept this gift. But it is a one time offer," he informs me.

"There doth always be a catch," I say, knowing I'm right.

"Thou shall be sent to Midgard," he explains, "and thou will be an assistant and a friend of Tony Stark."

I sigh, recalling the irritation I have towards him and his father.

"The year will be 2010," he continues, "and thee will be there until thou father sees fit to take thou back to Asgard."

"One prison to another: thy doth understand his game," I sigh, glancing out at the realm I had grown to love so dearly, yet hate so contemptibly.

"I advise thee to accept, as one day thou may return here and to Asgard," he says.

"Have thee no recollection of the prophecy of Ragnarok?" I question, stunned at his blindness, "If thy will return to Asgard in full power - along side thy sister - Surtur will sure rise and destroy thou proud realm."

"Thy do not question the All Father's decision: he is far beyond thy comprehendible knowledge," Heimdall states, in full certainty.

"Aye, he is," I mutter, knowing once I would've meant those words to the last.

As another moment of silence descends upon us, as the event I come everyday to the Fields of Frigga for, appears: the Venir sunset. While a sunset is not considered holy in most realms - merely a sight of unexplainable beauty - the Venir sunset is one of great importance: it is Frigga's way of connecting to this realm, and it is the closest I have come to being with her for over 2000 years.

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