Chapter 15 - I'm Significantly on Your Mind?

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Cyrus' pov

"Uhhh," I support Natasha as we walk through a humid forest. I gaze around worriedly in search of answers, "is this where you murder your next, unsuspecting victims, or is it one of those cool, recreational escape rooms?"

I don't get an answer, but as the metal doors open, the bigger worry turns to the red head beside me. Eyes drooping and body sagging, I opt to carry her fully in my arms as I jog through the building.

"GSW, she's lost at least a pint," Hill shouts through the echoing tunnel.

"Maybe two," I add, feeling the warm ooze of blood on my hands.

"Let me take her!" A male doctor offers, but is quickly dismissed by the brown haired agent.

"She'll want to see him first," she states ominously. I glance down, noticing how she nods a little in agreement and curiosity.

"I'm ok, just follow Hill," she mumbles.

"Don't gaslight me," I tut, "you're bleeding out and therefore that's not ok."

Despite wanting to go straight to the medical wing instead, we quickly arrive at a hanging sheet of tarpaulin used as a makeshift door. Behind, lay the resting form of a once dead man.

"About damn time," Fury scolds, lifting his head from the compressed pillows. I set Natasha down on a nearby chair, handing her a blanket I found in a box next to it.

"I'm not 6: I don't need a blanket," she objects quietly. She doesn't move it off her; instead gripping it lightly in her hands, rhythmically running her fingers through the soft fabric.

"Mhmm," I smirk, leaning against the wall to keep both her a Fury in my eye line.

"Lacerated spinal column; cracked sternum; shattered collarbone; perforated liver and one hell of a headache," Fury lists with a tired sigh.

"Don't forget your collapsed lung," the Doctor, who's now tending to Natasha, reminds him.

"Let's not forget that," the Director rolls his eyes sarcastically, "otherwise, I'm good."

While reminding him of his condition, the doctor had taken his eyes off the red head's wound. Adding a little bit too much pressure, she winces and visibly tenses.

"Hey, watch it," I warn the man with a stern look. Apologising immediately, he continues his job diligently.

"They cut you open," Natasha says, her voice a little hoarse, "your heart stopped."

"Tetrodotoxin B," he informs us, "slows the pulse to one beat a minute. Banner developed it for stress. Didn't work so great for him, but we found another use for it."

"Why all the secrecy?" Steve demands, making me roll my eyes at his dumb question, "Why not just tell us?"

"Any attempt on the Director's life had to look successful," Hill fills in.

"Can't kill you of you're already dead," the pirate man smirks, laying back into the pillow, "besides, I wasn't sure who I could trust."

Natasha glances down uncomfortably, shifting on her seat a little. Placing my hand lightly on her shoulder, she relaxes a little, but is still visibly sore from the words. Looking up, Fury's beady eye glares at me, as if to say: 'Can you be trusted?'

I'm lying to you // Natasha Romanoff x OC OdindottirWhere stories live. Discover now