Chapter 6 - Captain Hook and his Merry Band of Do-Gooders

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Cyrus' pov

"I've got 'im," I hear Happy announces from the foyer, making me laugh a little to myself; picturing his confused face when he sees Natasha's path of destruction.

"What're you smiling at?" snaps the redhead, seeing my slight grin.

"Huh?" I ask, glancing over at her as we near a monitored room.

"You: you're smiling at something," she continues incredulously.

"Sheesh, I didn't know you were such a party pooper," I receive a cold glare, "and I just heard Happy finally KO the guy at the door."

"And how could you hear that exactly?" She presses, kicking open a door Vanko could be behind.

"You were too busy posing and strutting your stuff," I try to avert the attention away from her questions.

"Posing?! I don't pose!" She huffs, "And he's not even in this room!"

Storming off in Hermione Granger-like fashion, I hear the splintering of door frames continue rhythmically until it stops.

"Where is he?" I ask, Happy coming up behind me.

"He's gone," she states, typing away at the main computer.

"And what're you doing?" Happy inputs.

"I'm rebooting Rhodey's suit," she answers simply again.

"Reboot complete," she announces as Tony's face appears on the screen, "you've got your best friend back."

"Thank you very much, Agent Romanoff," he thanks with an exhausted sigh.

"And well done with the new chest piece: I'm reading significantly higher output and your vitals all look promising."

"Yes, for the moment I'm not dying," he agrees sarcastically, "Thank you."

"What do you mean you're not dying?" The urgent voice of Pepper interrupts, "Did you just say you're dying?"

Without a word of a lie, in my 3000+ years of living, I've never heard such a strange sound: Tony Stark warbling and screaming at Pepper's entrance. Even when she demands him to stop, he doesn't until he's nearly blue in the face from oxygen loss.

"Hey, hey, save it for the honeymoon: you've got incoming, Tony," Natasha quickly interrupts, "looks like the fights' coming to you."

Once Tony and Rhodey are aware of the incoming task, the agent turns to me.

"Kane, you and Happy get over to Miss Potts," she states.

"Ok," I reply simply, walking out of the room and out to the car.

"She's u-unreadable," Happy pants after running to keep up with me, "but she definitely looked surprised that you actually agreed."

"Oh, no," I laugh, "I'm staying here; can you go and get Pepper?"

"I... kid, I don't understand," Happy sighs, climbing into the driver's seat.

I'm lying to you // Natasha Romanoff x OC OdindottirWhere stories live. Discover now