Chapter 4 - Rhodey's Special Edition Episode of Robot Wars

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Cyrus' pov

"You don't have to come with us, but I'd advise you tell him soon," Fury states as a greeting.

"Where're you meeting him?" I look around at the quiet suburban area, with only a small diner just down the street.

"The donut," the director walks away without another word.

"You should come," I hear from behind me, "Fury's right: it's better to tell him you work for SHIELD now than for him work it out."

"He didn't work you out," I deflect, turning to face her.

"If he had," she gets out of the car, "I'd lose my title as the best assassin in the world."

"Real modest," I mumble, watching her follow Fury towards the huge donut-statue-thing in the distance. A small, reclining figure sits in it, "Wow, Tony."

"Sir!" I hear Fury yell, "I'm going to have to ask you to exit the donut."

"Last chance," Romanoff reminds me through the coms.

I pause for a moment, before giving in, "Fine, I'll go 'round the back."

"Good choice," she responds sarcastically, as I jog around to the worker's entrance.

"Took you long enough," she grumbles as I slip in the back door behind her. Pushing through the double doors from the kitchens, she marches towards the only occupied table in the diner.

"We've secured the perimeter but I don't think we should hold it for too much longer," she states, allowing me to trail behind a little.

"Huh," Tony comments dryly, "You're... fired."

"That's not up to you," she deadpans, sliding into the booth next to Fury.

"Tony, I want you to meet Agent Romanoff," he introduces, before gesturing towards where I'm stood, propped up against the bar, "and Agent Kane."

This gets Tony.

His little smirk falls and just looks at me for a while, "How long?"

"Yesterday," Fury intervenes, regaining the billionaire's attention, "and you can catch up later."

"I'm a SHIELD shadow," Natasha introduces herself, "Once we knew you were ill, I was tasked to you by Director Fury."

"I suggest you apologise," Tony responds, sipping on his coffee, before unsubtly glancing at me.

"You've been very busy," Fury continues, "you made you're girl your CEO, you're giving away all you stuff; you let your friend fly away with your suit. Now, if I didn't know better-"

"You don't know better. I didn't give it to him: he took it," Tony interrupts.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," the director stops Tony's denial, "He took it? You're Iron Man and he just took it? The little bother walked in there, kicked your ass and took your suit? Is that possible?" He asks Natasha.

"Well," she responds, "according to Mr Stark's database security guidelines, there're redundancies to prevent unauthorised usage."

I'm lying to you // Natasha Romanoff x OC OdindottirWhere stories live. Discover now