Chapter 22 - She's Not Here For Autographs

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Hyra's pov

It had taken nearly 6 months to track down a precise location for Loki's sceptre. It turns out it kept in a heavily defended HYDRA fortress in the deep depths of the Sokovian woods.

I had always been good friends with Njǫror - the Norse God of the sea - and with a few prayers and the promise of indebted favours, he whisks me through the Atlantic currents in a few strange-feeling minutes.

I land on the Portuguese coast (as navigating the Mediterranean is understandably too risky) and get trains, catch dodgy hitchhike and ride on late night bus trips to the Sokovian boarder. Then I go on foot: traipsing through the woodland, setting up bashers on the frozen forest floor for days and eating the last food I'd had left.

Finally - after what I think was 6 months and 5 days - Loki's sceptre is in within eyeshot (or the building it's held in is). Only now do I truly get a grasp on how difficult this task may be. Maybe there's a sewer system? Maybe I could fight my way in? Maybe I-

"*Whirr*" the rhythmic thrum of an approaching aircraft up above alerts me. I dive for cover under a stone overhang. I peer up, surprised to see the hazy, translucent underside of a SHIELD Quinjet.

Either they're here for me, here for the sceptre or here for both. Either way, what ever haphazard plan I had in my head is down the metaphorical drain immediately.

Natasha's pov

As we swoop over the dense, snow-spattered forest, the looming stone walls of the HYDRA base emerge out of the mountainous silhouettes. It stands atop a sheer hill with bare rocks precariously scattered on ledges ridges.

There had been reported spottings of a woman who fits Cyrus' description near perfectly, and a few CCTV snapshots to reassure me. She said she was looking for Loki's sceptre, and a somewhat public lead had arisen a few weeks ago. Perhaps she hadn't got here yet? Perhaps she had tried and was now captured in a HYDRA basement with no escape in sight? Perhaps she-

"There's been a singular heat signature picked up below us," Clint calls back from the cockpit, "I can't guarantee it's her, or even a human but-"

"Drop me down there," I lean over his chair, flicking through the holographic screen. It looks human shaped, and it couldn't be anyone else. It has to be her.

"No, Nat," Clint pleads, fiddling with a host of landing switches, "don't get hot headed: we're sticking to the plan."


"No, Nat," he repeats with slight irritation, "what matters now is Loki's sceptre... and we're touching down in 3... 2... 1...!"

With his yell back to the others, those of us who haven't made an early exit (like Bruce and Tony) get ready and sprint out. Begrudgingly, I do too, sprinting in the base's direction. Handguns outstretched and gauntlets engaged, a trio of masked HYDRA agents greet me immediately.

"Shit!" Tony exclaims through the coms, a burst of fire and metallic pinging ringing out from above.

"Language!" Steve demands gruffly as he hurls his shield, "JARVIS, what's the view from upstairs?"

JARVIS' automatous - yet somewhat natural - voice cuts in clearer than the others, "The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other HYDRA base we've taken."

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