Chapter 3 - You Know, Some Music Would be Good

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Cyrus' pov

"If you can make God bleed, the people will cease to believe in him," he curls around his words carefully, "and there will be blood in the water. And the sharks will come. The truth is, all I have to do is sit here and watch."

Vanko's words swirl dangerously in my head. Over and over and over I hear his metaphor. The doubt, which this reinstating, long overdue task from my father brings, consumes my every thought.

"Hey, C?" I hear Pepper ask beside me, "You ok?"

Shaking myself out of my daze, I simply nod as the door behind us slide open.

"It's just unbelievable. It proves that the genie is out of the bottle," a man, who looks much like an overweight trout out of water, says on the TV, "and this man has no idea what he's doing; he thinks of the Iron Man weapon as a toy.

I was at a hearing," the trout-man continues, "where Mr. Stark, in fact, was adamant that these suits can't exist anywhere else; don't exist anywhere else; never will exist anywhere else, at least for 5 to ten years, and here we are in Monaco realising 'uh oh, these suits exist now'."

"Mute," Tony finally says, stepping through the opened door, "he should be giving me a medal; that's the truth."

He sets down two plates in front of Pepper and I, "What is that?" She asks.

"These are your in-flight meals," he whips off the plastic plate-covers revealing two dishes. Admittedly, Peppers looks slightly more edible that mine, which makes me smile, as he still appears to feel the need to woo the CEO.

"Did you just make that?" Pepper asks, looking down at it.

"Yeah, where do you think I've been for 3 hours?" He smirks slightly, leaning back in the seat opposite her.

"Tony," I say, sitting straighter in my chair. My eyes meet with Pepper's and I get the impression that we're going to ask the same thing, "What are you not telling us?"

He's silent for a moment - which worries me - before sighing, "I don't want to go home. At all," he states, "let's cancel my birthday party and, we're in Europe, let's got to Venice, Ciprini. Remember?"

"Oh, yeah," she smiles, looking out of the window.

I laugh to myself a little, recalling the story Pepper told me. I decide to stand, excusing myself to the toilet as the two talk: I need to head back to New York to 'finish up a few thing', which is code language to go to Stark Tower and carry on with some over due work, but I'd never tell Pepper that.

Going through to the second lounge area, I glance out of the window, appreciating the sheer beauty of the realm I'd never explored.

Touching down in New York, I head straight to my apartment after bidding fair well to a stressed-looking Pepper and a rather out-of-it Tony.

"Cyrus Kane," a man steps out of a shadow in my living room, "I'd like to speak with you."

Grabbing the one thing I'd brought with me from Vanaheim, I brandish my 9 inch dagger, which glints in the dim lights.

"There's no such need for a weapon like that, Miss Kane," a long, black trench coat hangs on his tall frame. An eyepatch covers his right eye, only a few shades lighter than his dark complexion.

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