But you stripped me off my Pride

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Rudra Singh Oberoi looked at his own family then at Roys, Singhanias, Kapoors & Maltoras (RSKM). He then looked at his child Ruvya who was sleeping peacefully now, then he remembered the happy moments of his family then the fights. Then at last the truth of Kalyani Mills which took many lives..why??..becaz of his father. Rudra took baby steps towards RSKM family which shocked Oberois, "Rudy" Tej & Jhanvi whispered. He didnt look at his family. He looked at Deep with teary eyes while he smiled & hugged Rudy. "I am Sorry" he cried in Deep's embrace "Sushh why you are saying sorry. You werent aware of the truth so its fine" Deep consoled him. Rudy looked at Bhavya & kissed her forehead & gave Ruvya to her. "Rudy why" Tej was cut by Rudy "Enough Dad enough. I cant take it anymore you all are criminals & I dont want live with criminals. Dad you always have tortured mom, you were going to divorce mom for Svetlana. She begged you not to do still you did & mom you, you always endured everything. You know that he was wrong still you supported him every time. You even declared Gauri Bhabhi as dead & mom supported it. Like this you have did uncountable sins & I dont any of my child to grow under your shadow. I accept that every family have problems but they dont kill incident people, Omkara even killed his own child still he dont have any shame on that" Rudy spat

Everyone was shocked to see this side of Rudy, they never thought their immature child will say like this & will go against his family. Mrithyunjai looked at Shivaay "Shivaay I know you love your family a lot but I cant leave my daughter & grandchildren in this house with you all anymore. You are also a father of a girl, just think yourself in my situation. Will you leave them in a family who have betrayed & killed many innocent people?" , Shivaay looked at him then at his daughter Anshika. No he will never do that to his precious daughter, he was in a dilemma. He have always stood like a wall between his family & troubles but he never knew that these troubles were created by his own family members. Kapoors have always plotted against them, thought they have always failed but this time they have succeeded with the help of Roys & Raichands. Shivaay closed his eyes & went to his memory lane. Then he looked at his family then at Anika & his children. 

Shivaay Singh Oberoi slowly took steps towards RSKM. The Oberois were shocked to see their strongest pillar leaving them "Shivaay" Shakti & Pinky whispered. Mrithyunjai smiled "You took wise decision son", Shivaay took Anshika from Zivah. "What Dad said is true. I can never leave or give my daughter who had many innocent people's blood. I will never do that" he hugged his daughter tightly. "Shivaay" Pinky shouted "Enough. I am done. All these years I have protected this family from troubles & storms but I never knew that those storms were due to my family itself. I have spend half of my life for Oberoi corp & Oberoi family now I want to live for my Anika & my children. Like Rudy even I dont want to live with criminals, a mom who lied that his son is illegitimate just to throw his wife out of the house, a uncle who always created ruckus  in this house. Am done" he declared.

Mrithyunjai, Mrigesh, Karan & PK walked towards Kalyani Singh Oberoi "Kalyani Ji, we want you to stay with us. I know you love your sons a lot but now the situation are different. Its your choice to live with them or live with us in London. We will respect your decision" Karan told. Kalyani looked at them then at her sons & wife "I will come with you" Kalyani Singh Oberoi declared making Oberois shocked. 

Omkara looked at Rihanna "Please Gauri, please dont leave me. I love you" he cried. Rihanna looked at him "But I dont love you Omkara, whenever I see you, it gave flashes of my dead baby. My dead soul, a dead Gauri" she said with emotionless face. Mannat looked at Sidharth "Siddharth you are mine, why did you do this" she said & picked a knife from near table & grabbed Rihanna. They all got panicked watching this "Mannat leave her" Siddharth shouted "No. She always gets want I want. Omkara had everything which I wanted thatsy I seduced him & took him. But when I got to know that Gauri is pregnant, I thought Omkara will leave me thatsy I killed your baby. Then when I saw Siddharth for the first time I fall for him but again you snatched him.Why its always you, first in form of Gauri then now in the form of Rihanna. You dont deserve anything, not this family not Omkara not Siddharth" she kept the knife very close to Rihanna's neck. 

Ranveer was boiling "You bloody bitch leave my sister" "Yes leave her otherwise I will kill you" Rudra completed his brother. Rihanna just smirked & said "You have done a  mistake Mannat. You dont with whom you have messed with" hearing this Mannat was going to cut her with knife when Rihanna hit her with elbow causing Mannat to lose her hold on Rihanna. She stumbled behind, Rihanna took her gun from her lehenga's pocket & shit her on her leg. Mannat screamed in pain, Annapurna was going to hit Rihanna but Antara slapped her & kicked her on stomach. Rihanna again shot her on shoulder "That was for killing my baby". She was going to shot again but was stopped by Mayra "No Ri leave her" she hugged her. "Yes why are making your hand dirty by killing her leave her baby" Maya glared at Mannat.

"Dad am done with this family can we leave now" Bhavya asked Nishal. "Yes baby we will now itself" Nishal smiled & looked at Mrigesh. "We will leave" Mrithyunjai said & started to leave the mansion. "Please dont leave us like this" Pinky cried "We are sorry" Jhanvi collapsed. Nayantara looked at them "A mere sorry of your will not bring my child back, it will not bring Bhavya's parents back IT WILL NOT BRING BACK THE LIVES WHICH YOU TOOK ON THAT DAY" she yelled. "Aunty leave them they will never understand what does it feels when your child goes away from you & never return back, they dont how it feel when your loved ones go away from you" Rihanna said to Nayantara while looking at Omkara. 

Kalyani, Shivaay & Rudra looked at the their parents/children & Omkara once again then leaves the mansion. Rihanna stood at the entrance "You could have rectified your mistakes Oberois but did those sins again & again. Now suffer without any support" Tejvi & Shinky looked at her with teary eyes. Then she looked at Omkara with tears "Omkara Singh Oberoi, this name used to be my life, my pride, everything. I never even had the courage to utter just 'Omkara' without 'ji' in it due my immense respect, love & devotion towards you. I gave you the place of My Lord Shiva, I used roam around you like a love sick puppy. Even after all you allegations of me being gold digger, characterless, cheap & what not, still I loved you with all my heart. I know love can happen at anytime with anyone, I accepted that you have fallen for Mannat, but no for you both it was just Lust. The day you slept with this bitch Mannat just for your lust, you snatched everything. You not only broke my heart but also broke my pride. You could have asked me for my life Omkara, I would have sacrificed it with a smile but you have stripped me off my pride. Goodbye Omkara Singh Oberoi"

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