15th October

480 30 4

flashback continues

Maya sat on the bed thinking about her sister's words , about her & Rudra's relationship. She was cold stern & heartless-thats what she thought about herself. She never came across those flickers of romance .She devoted her life to make herself successful. She had only one person whom she loves immensely, for whom she can do anything her sister Mayra. Her world revolved around her sister only, after loosing her parents she has become over possessive  & overprotective about her loved ones. She had less friends whom she trusted. She always calculates the outcomes of her activities. But Rudra was something unexpected. She felt something more than friendship ,but she was unware of her feelings. She felt safe around him, happy around him & sometimes she felt over possessive for him overprotective for him .Yes she cant see any other woman with him, she feels restless when he dont pick her calls or when he ignores her. Once Mayra told her how she feels for Ranveer now she also feels the same for Rudra. YES SHE LOVES RUDRA "How stupid I am , I didnt realize my feelings huh Maya you have do something special for Rudra" she told herself

She ran downstairs but couldnt find him. Next day it was Mehndi, the ceremony was conducted in their own hotel's ballroom. Both of their family were present there. Maya searched for Rudra, at last she found him , flirting with girls. She fumed in anger & jealousy. She controlled but when Ria his ex-girlfriend kissed him on his cheeks that was the thing which made Maya go crazy. She marched towards them. Rudra looked at her, she was hell angry he gulped seeing her like this.

She separated Ria & Rudra, caught his hand & dragged him out of the hall

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She separated Ria & Rudra, caught his hand & dragged him out of the hall. She opened her cabin & threw him on couch & went towards her table drawer , took her gun out .She kept that gun on Rudra's head "Maya what are you doing" he was hell scared "Why did you allow Ria to kiss you huh" she yelled at him. He understood the situation "She is my friends Maya, come one she has the right to kiss me" he smirked , listening to this she burst out at him "NO! NO ONE ELSE HAVE THE RIGHT TO TOUCH YOU OR KISS YOU"; "WHY"; "BECAZ YOU ARE MINE, ONLY MINE.HOW DARE SHE TOUCH WHAT IS MINE" she shouted at him , she still kept the gun on his head "I LOVE YOU RUDRA & YOU ARE MINE IF DARE TO LOOK AT SOME OTHER WOMAN I WILL KILL THAT WOMAN, YOU & THEN MYSELF". Rudra was taken aback when he heard her, he have seen her every shade but this Maya who is standing in front of him was different she was full of love, obsessions', possessiveness for him. "Will you speak up Rudra Roy" she threw her gun away.

He stood up & smashed his lips to hers. She was shocked at first & then she also kissed him .It was rough, passionate & full of love. They kissed each other like there is no tomorrow. They drifted apart to breathe & met their forehead "I am yours Maya Rathore I love you" he said while kissing her forehead. She smiled & hugged him "I love you too, I thought to propose you in grand way but you" she playfully hits on his chest "Auuu but I like this way" he winked at her

"Now come on I have to put Mehndi of your name" she said while smiling at him. They moved to hall, Rudra looked at Mayra who sitting it the middle at stage. She signed all okay , he winked at her & showed a thumps up, in return Mayra jumped in happiness. Then they told their parents about their relationship. Mrithyunjai & Antara were happy for their kids.

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