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They came out from Heathrow Airport London with their luggage. They have called their respective drivers to pick them up. They reached their respective houses. Anika entered her house for the first time. "Its beautiful" she saw the designs & got impressed, "Come Ani we will show your room "Rudra said but she got confused as they reunited with her in India then in a short span of time they has a room for her in London's house. "How" she asked, they smiled at her & Rishi replied "Ani di we were searching you & Ri for many years, we had a hope that one day we will find you  both, so when Dad & Mom built this house they made a room for you as well as Rihana di" Ani smiled & went with Rudra. They all took rest & got ready for the hospital. Anika was also going to accompany them. Rishi went to his college to get some important documents, he cant accompany them to hospital as they didnt wanted to  make  crowd in hospital  .

"I told not keep her away from all this" Dr. Zahir said "We couldnt do anything it was unexpected" Ranveer said sadly. "Its ok we have to start her meds again even her therapies" he said while they nodded positively.

In evening all of them were present at Roy mansion for Dinner as they decide they will have their dinner at Roy Mansion till they go back to India. "So what did Zahir said about Ri" Nirvan asked while placing the plates with Rudra & Deep while the women were in Kitchen cooking food. "She have to start her meds again with therapies" Ranveer said while bringing glasses along with Nirvan. "She will be fine rt ?" Sid asked with worried tone "Zahir said this time it will not take time as she was recovering completely, so within few months she will be get back to normal" Rudra said while side hugging him.

 Few days passed like this Rihana was recovering slowly while Rishi took Anika out & gave her tour of half of London. She started to getting used to the place. She learned driving also with Maya's help. Mayra helped Anika to get familiarize with the surroundings of her house & the place where they lived. Ranveer & Rudra took her to Mrithyunjai & Antara's offices & then their office .Anika was feeling blessed, she got what she dreamt of that is a complete family. Her family which included her father, mother, siblings, then their partners, her husband & her kids. Now she didnt wanted anything from her life except her sister's happiness which was destroyed by her own so-called brother-in-law. 

Next day all were present at Roy mansion for breakfast as it was weekend & they decided to spend some time with each other. All were sitting at the at the table when door bell rang. Anika went & opened the door. "Momma" she heard her twins running towards her & hugged her. She smiled & hugged her kids, she was missing them a lot "Forgot us?" she saw the great Shivaay Singh Oberoi standing with bags. She hugged him as twins ran inside to surprise their uncles & aunts. Soon the whole oberoi youngsters were there. Everyone hugged each other.

Rihana came & hugged Shivaay "Bade Bhaiya (Big Brother)" she said with a smile. Shivaay widen his eyes in shock "What" he asked "Bade bhaiya" she said again while Shivaay was in cloud nine, he never thought that she will call him like she used to call him.'Bade Bhaiya' these two words were so special for him.He never gave anyone the right to call him Bade Bhaiya other than Gauri.Once when Mannat called him like that he was ready to hang her to death .Gauri was indeed special for him, after Priyanka Gauri was his second sister. He never liked the way Omkara treated Gauri in their usual years & when she was pregnant he was the happiest person. He tried his level best to save his sister Gauri's marriage life but fate had other plans. He accept that what Anika said that at hospital was true. If he had slightest clue that Rihana Roy is his sister Gauri then he would have done everything to bring back her to Oberoi mansion .But now he have changed his mind, he will never try to confront her to get back to Omkara, it tottaly depends on her as its her life. "Thank you" he said while coming out of his thoughts, she raised her eyebrows in confusion "For forgiving me Gau....Rihana" he corrected it while they smiled "It was not your fault moreover am fine & strong now" she said with a smile.

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