Chapter 4

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Jaki and I ran faster than ever to the physics lab. Everyone looked up again but before they could greet us, Jaki cut them off.

“We gotta get out of here, NOW!” He stated.

“What's got your panties twisted loser?” Ria asked.

“I don’t have time for you!” Jaki said. “Matter-of-fact, you can stay.” Hyo then leaned toward D’mitri.

“Jaki doesn’t have time to insult Ria?” He whispered. “Something must be wrong.”

“What’s going on boss?” Bob asked. I ran and opened the window.

“That!” I exclaimed. They looked out and saw the hundreds of creatures running quickly in our direction.

“OH SHIT!” Bob exclaimed. Everyone quickly packed up their things and cleared the lab faster than ever.

We ran around the side of the lab toward the front gate. We got onto the road and saw that the gate was shut.

“Crap! The gates shut!” Rayne shouted.

“Fuck the gates!” Quin stated. He the charged at the fence, (we don’t call him Tank for nothing). He ran shoulder first at the fence but when he made contact, electricity surrounded his body as he cried out in pain.

“Noooooo!!!” We all shouted as Quin was electrocuted and fell to the floor a crispy, smoking lump.

“We don’t have time!” Hyo shouted. “They’re coming.” We looked back and saw the ugly creatures approaching us and we ran in different directions splitting off into groups.

Jaki and I ran back toward the direction of the gym. We looked back and saw a group of the creatures right on our heels. We ran faster than we’d ever ran before and Jaki pulled ahead. He opened the gym door and both of us ran in just as the creatures got by the door. We closed it quickly.

“What the fuck was that?” Jaki asked still in shock.

“They looked like zombies,” I told him.

“I know what they look like but fuck!” He exclaimed. “How the hell did zombies get here?”

“I bet it was something to do with Vera,” I told him. “I think we’re safe here, let’s just relax for a while.”

“What about the others?” He asked me.

“I’m sure they’ll be fine,” I responded.


“This is not cool!!” Hyo exclaimed as he and D’mitri pulled on the door of physics lab trying to stop the zombies from getting in.

“What are we supposed to do?” D’mitri asked. They looked back and saw Bob drinking a Smirnoff. He looked at them.

“What?” He asked. “Zombies make me thirsty.”

“Could we do something more productive please?” Hyo asked. “How the hell are we going to get out of here?” they tugged harder on the door to keep it closed as the zombies tapped harder. Bob shook his head.

“You guys under estimate the power of ze alcohol,” He stated. He took out a rag and picked up a gasoline bottle from one of the cupboards in the lab. He soaked the rag and put half of it down the Smirnoff bottle. Hyo then got it.

“Molotov Cocktails,” He and D’mitri stated. Bob nodded and got to work on the other bottles. They heard a tap in the other physics lab next to theirs.

“What was that?” D’mitri asked. Hyo glanced at him.

“Go check it out,” He told him.

“Fuck that, you check it out,” He retaliated. They looked at Bob. Bob laughed.

“Not for hell,” He told them. Hyo sighed.

“Fine. I’ll check,” He looked around the lab and saw a steel pipe. He picked it up and clenched it tightly. He then crept slowly through the door joining the two labs and then went through. As he walked, he heard a noise next to him and swung his pipe as hard as he could feeling it connect to something. He then heard screams as the lights turned on.

“Whoa! It’s just us!” Rasa exclaimed. Hyo sigh with relief and looked down and saw Jamie knocked out on the floor.

“Oops,” He said. He looked around and saw the girls (including Ria) in the room with a look of fright on their faces.

“Are those seriously zombies?” Thani asked. Hyo nodded.

“Bob is making some weapons right now,” He told them. “Have any of you seen Babs and Steve?”

“They disappeared along with Zak and Jaki,” Rayne responded. “We don’t even know who else is alive.”

“Well we should stick together right now,” Hyo told them. “Let’s go.”

“COKTAILS ARE READY!” Bob called. They filed into the other physics lab and picked up three cocktails each. “All you gotta do is light and throw. Then run like hell.” They turned and faced the door.

“This is it,” Hyo stated. “D’mitri… open the door.”

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