Chapter 5

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Scott sat in silence in the TD room. He used his T-square and drew lines on a sheet of paper. He heard a tremendous roar from the pasture outside. He looked through the window and saw darkness but it was still unsettling. He wondered if the others were still at school. He had this project to finish but he figured he’d have some fun before he went more insane. He packed up his stuff and headed outside with his T-square in hand.

Jaki paced back and forth in the gym and I sat and watched him. He was completely freaking out.

“I’m completely freaking out man!” He exclaimed.

“Relax,” I told him.

“How can you be so relaxed with ZOMBIES ON THE LOOSE?” He asked me. “And Quin, my God poor Quin.”

“If we freak out, we can’t think,” I told him.

“Maybe we can kill them all!” Jaki exclaimed. I shook my head.

“There are over 1000 students in this school… we’d be exhausted before we even make a dent,” I explained. He sighed. “What we need to do is get out of the school.”

“How?” Jaki asked. I thought for a second.

“Vera put an electric fence around the school… it’s gotta be powered by something.” I stated. “All we need to do is find the power source and shut it down… then we can get out.” Jaki sat next to me anxiously.

“That’s good!” He stated. “Any idea where it might be?”

“Well it could either be someplace remote… like the library (which was on the other side of the school)… or someplace heavily guarded… like his office,” I said.

“Or… it may be someplace even more heavily guarded…” Jaki said. I looked at him confused. “The hall…”

He was right. Since the hall was where everyone was when this all started, chances are there would be zombies roaming around in there which would make it a perfect spot to put a generator.

“Well, the hall is closer… we could check there first,” I told him I went toward the door and Jaki grabbed my shoulders.

“Are you fucking nuts?!” he asked me. “There are zombies out there… you need a weapon.” I had completely forgotten about the zombies. Aint I smart?

“Then what do we use?” I asked. Jaki shook his head.

“There’s a dojo remember?” He stated. I forgot about that too. He went into the dojo and came out a few seconds later with two katanas. “Now this is more like it.”

“Hey guys,” A voice behind us stated. Jaki and I almost jumped through the ceiling. “Relax it’s just me.” We looked back and saw Scott staring at us and the gym door open behind him. I glared at Jaki.

“You forgot to LOCK the DOOR?” I snarled. He shrugged.

“What’s going on?” Scott asked.

“Zombies have invaded the school,” I told him. He stared at me and then laughed. Jaki trembled and then pointed at the door. Scott looked back and ducked as a zombie swung its arm at his head. Jaki quickly drew his katana and sliced its head off.

“Oh my God… that’s disgusting,” I said as the head rolled past my legs. Scott got up and looked at the dead… dead guy.

“Ok… that’s strange,” He told us.

“Come with us, we are going to the hall to look for a generator,” I told Scott. He nodded and we left the gym.

We moved swiftly in the darkness toward the art building which was next to the hall. The place was crawling with zombies. I looked at Scott.

“Do you have something to defend yourself with?” I asked. He shrugged and pulled out his T-square. “Seriously?” a zombie walked past us and Scott looked at it and swung his T-square cleaving its head from its shoulders.

“Nice…” Jaki complimented. We heard explosions from the other side of the school.

“I hope the others are ok…” I said. Jaki sighed as well. We turned around and noticed Scott was gone.  We heard swinging noises and the sound of heads dropping. We peeked around the corner and saw Scott standing, surrounded by headless zombies.

“Well, we’ve definitely found our power house,” I joked.

“I play a lot of video games,” Scott responded. “We were going to the hall?” Jaki and I nodded and followed him around the art room.

Hyo ducked behind a bush a tossed a Molotov at a group of zombies causing them to erupt in flames and drop to the ground. Bob, D’mitri and Rasa joined him in blowing up zombies.

“THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME!” Bob exclaimed taking a chug from a bottle of vodka next to him. Nianny peeked out from the physics lab. Hyo noticed her and turned to his comrades.

“We need to get the girls to safety,” He told them. They nodded. He turned to Nianny. “We’re going to clear a path. You guys run to the closest shelter.” She nodded and rounded up the remaining females.

Bob threw a Molotov and cleared the way for them toward the main building. The girls quickly left the lab and ran swiftly away from the warzone. Nianny stopped as she saw Bamji coming toward her.

“BAMJI!” she exclaimed as he came closer. He let out a throaty groan and she stared at him in fright as she realized he was a zombie. She turned around to run but he quickly grabbed her by the shoulders and pulled her back. She screamed and Hyo looked up.

“Nianny!” he shouted but it was too late for her as Bamji feasted upon her thrashing body. Rayne cried out for her best friend but the other girls grabbed her and kept running. Rasa looked at the others.

“Things are looking grim for us,” He stated. They lowered their heads but quickly recovered as a new wave of zombies appeared. 

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