Chapter 2 Really?

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Chloe's POV
I walked to my next class English. Yes! I love English.
*walks into room*
Mrs. June: Hello you must be the new student Chloe Walker is that right?
Chloe: Yep that's me!
Mrs. June: Great! Now if you don't mind can you find and empty seat.
Chloe: Um yeah sure.
*Goes and sits down next to Harry Styles*
"Hi my name is Chloe Walker"

Harry's POV
She was beautiful but Niall warned us that if we try anything he will beat us to shreds and by us I mean Me, Louis, Liam, and or Zayn. He said we have to bully her because then she will only focus on Niall, and that's what he wants then that's what he gets.
"Hey Fatass" I said to her. She looked at me with pure sadness and disappointment. She looked at herself and covered herself up. She wasn't really fat she was skinny but it's what he wants.

Chloe's POV
All I did was say hi and he called me a fatass. Am I really fat? I guess I'm looks like I'm just not gonna eat anymore, but have I ever? No! I hate my body tears start running down my cheeks and everyone starts laughing at me what did I do so wrong that they hate me it's my first day for Christ sakes!
Hey! Sorry for the word Christ I don't know if you guys like that or not but if you don't just tell me and I will Change it Okay? Okay. #tfios moment! Oh by the way my name is Janel.

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