Chapter 1 New school

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First day of school
Chloe: Yah new school new beginning.
*Walks into Office*
Principle M: Hello Chloe, we are happy to have you here in our school.
Chloe: It's a pleasure!
Principle M: Here's your schedule.
Chloe: Thanks so much, see you later
*Goes to try to find room 201, Math class*
Chloe: Here it is, Mr. Low's room.

Niall's POV
" This beautiful girl walked into the room she introduced herself as Chloe Walker... She is the one I can feel it in my gut she is perfect she doesn't even need make up to look beautiful she already is" I said to myself as I saw her.
She needed to be mine but how? I got it I will hurt her so she will notice me Good thinking Horan!
* coughs "Hey Slut"*
*everyone starts laughing at her*

Chloe's POV
"Hey Slut" is all I herd before I started crying!
I thought it was going to be different this time but guess not. Now I need to stop crying so I don't make a fool of myself, even more than I'm. Whoops!
It's my first day here and I'm already bullied. So the only seat left was beside this handsome young man with brown roots and blond tips, his crystal blue eyes made me want to just look at him forever and his perfect smile. Who could ever forget that smile, I know I couldn't. It wasn't till then I realized I was staring and smirking like a fool! How awkward... I sat down beside him and my heart started beating faster and the smell of him was amazing. He introduced himself as "Niall Horan", oh what a name!

Nialls POV
She was staring at me with her beautiful green eyes and her bouncy brunette curls she has the best smile and the cutest dimples Iv ever seen I don't think Iv ever seen anyone so beautiful! She sat beside me she smelt so good I just wanted to hug her! I introduced myself and she said back in a lovely British voice "Hi I'm Chloe" what a beautiful name for a beautiful girl.
Hi guys this is my first FanFic and I hope you guys enjoyed it because it's going to get good. So I see Niall likes Chloe and Chloe likes Niall will they work out?

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