Chapter 3 Gym Class with them?

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*Next class Gym*

Nialls POV
We were about to start when Chloe walked threw the door. She looked amazing with her hair tied back. I turned around to see my girlfriend Taylor glaring at her. She gave me a smirk and I laughed and she came up and kissed me.

Chloe's POV
She kissed him, but why do I care I don't like him... Or maybe I do, I don't know and I don't care. Just a little jealous that his lips WERNT on mine so I walked away. We were playing Volleyball and it was Me,Tanner (a girl), Joe (a girl), Sam, Alexis, and Sabrina against Harry, Niall, the girl he kissed, and 3 other boys.

Louis's POV
There she was standing scared and she looked helpless and honestly I didn't care. She was ugly and fat so I decided to do what I do best hurt her!
I threw the Volleyball up and hit her straight in the face with it, I smirked as she fell to the ground.

Chloe's POV
Tanner was the only one to help me up and fix me but then she did something I don't think I could ever do.

Haha cliffhanger how was the chapter I know short but I'm really tired and not in the mood and I have to biggest headache known to man. Thanks for reading ily bye!

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