Chapter 5 What was i thinking

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Chloe's POV
I woke up in a room it wasn't my room I sat up my eyes squinting because of the harsh sun coming in the window. I realized that it wasn't my room I looked around and saw a Irish flag and a guitar. I finally got up and walked downstairs and saw a blond headed boy... Niall. I knocked on the door frame and he turned to look at me with those sparkling blues eyes that were now gray because he has been... Crying? Crying over me? So me being me I asked "Niall were you crying?" "No i got soap in my eye from the dishes." "Oh" is all I said after I didn't want to tempt him even more than I already have.

Niall's POV
She asked if I was crying did it really look like I was crying I hope not, iv been crying all night because I thought she was dead. She lost a lot of blood just for a nose! It scared me shitless, seriously I had to poop and nothing came out because I was scared. So I ran out of the gym with her in my arms and I brought her home with me, I cleaned her up and she looked beautiful even with a fucked up nose she was the best I just lov... NO NIALL YOU DONT LOVE HER!
Oh but I think I do.

Tanner's POV
I cried, that's all I could do is cry I was such a baby but if anyone saw what I saw they would cry too no girl deserves to be treated that way not even her. I feel so bad all I could do is cry why is it always the prettiest girls that get hurt it just doesn't make sense but all I know is I will find out what is going on in that girls life and I will find out soon.
Do you think she will find out, Will Niall persuade her to be his girlfriend or will she deny him? Will the bulling stop? Idk but you will in the next few chapters just don't get mad at me I know this story's going slow but it's my first one and I have a major fuck stupid ass headache! HOLY BALLS IT HURTS LIKE FUCK GOD DAMNIT! Sorry my mouth is horrible can't you tell because I can.

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