Chapter 7 Where am I? Wait!

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Nialls POV
I can't believe I actually slapped her. I'm going to go check on her right now! I know where she lives because she told me the one day crazy right? So I knocked and her Mom opened the boor and I asks if I could see Chloe and she said she was up in her room so I went in there and found the worst thing ever Chloe's body laying there blood everywhere and just to think she probably did this because of me. What kind of. Person am I at this point I wouldn't even call myself a person. I guess Chloe's mom left and then I called 911 when I heard the sirens they came and rushed her to the hospital with me hot on their tail.
~At the Hospital~
Chloe's POV
I woke up at the hospital with tubes coming out of me and bandages over my arms! WHAT THE FUCK I WANTED TO DIE! But then I heard a male voice crying? He was mumbling something and was holding my hand. I opened my eyes to see it was Niall. Niall was here holding my hand crying. But Why? So I asked. "Niall" I said in a horse voice. "CHLOE" Niall shot up and hugged me. I just giggled, he was so adorable. "I thought I was going to lose you... Forever" your never going to lose me Niall even if that means moving. If that would happen" "Chloe" Niall asked "yes?" I said "Can I kiss you?" "Yes" Niall kissed me passionately and I kissed him right back the kiss was getting pretty heated but we stopped right as soon as the doctor came in. "Miss. Walker" "yes" "you may go home but you have to sign these papers" "okay" I signed the papers and left, I went back to Niall's house and he started crying. "Niall what's wrong" "Chloe I hurt you and yet you still came back" "Well that's what happens when your in love with someone" "You love me" "Yes sadly I do" I said with a giggle and all Niall did was kiss me like he meant it and at this point I think he really did mean it because he is my first kiss and honestly I have no regrets but I'm wondering how he's going to treat me when we're back in school and he's with his friends and Taylor. Wait Taylor. i broke the kiss "Niall?" "Hm" "Are you still with Taylor" "Nope she cheated on me with Josh" "Tanner told you that" "Wait speaking of Tanner where is she?"

Where's Tanner guys? Lol cliffhanger if you like this story please Like it like I said its my first I'm trying here lol bye

Help me TannerWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu