Chapter 8 Where am I?

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Tanner's POV
All I remember was crying and someone carrying me. What happend? I woke up and I was in a dark room. I got up and tried finding the light switch and i couldn't, my back really hurts, so does my feet. I finally found the light switch and turned it on and looked around the room. It had a Bunch of posters on the wall and a familiar picture I recognized in a second. I was in Louis Tomlinson's room! What the actual fuck? I hate him I stormed down the stairs and see him watching the Telly. "LOUIS" I yelled "Yes Tanner" "Why am I in your house and why was I sleeping in your bed?" I was furious. "Because I felt bad just seeing you cry and shit and don't worry I didn't sleep with you I slept on the couch." "I'm going home" and I stormed out of the house and to my house finally I'm home. When I got home I called Chloe to see how she was doing.

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