Chapter 9 Finally

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Chloe's POV
I finally got a text from Tanner. Wait how did she get my number, oh well I was just happy she was safe. She asked if I was okay and I said yeah are you okay and she said yeah it's now the next day and I spent the night at Niall's house and we cuddled and watched movies. At school the next day I walked in and you would not believe what happend... Niall saw me and started kissing Taylor right infront of me I thought they were done guess not so I ran away and started crying until I ran into someone or something. I looked up through. My tear stained eyes and saw Louis... Omg I'm going to get it now. He raised his fist up and connected it to my face and then the rest came as in Niall, Liam, Harry, and Zayn and they started beating me up too. I. Was. Done. I finally got up and left the school with all the power I had left in me and went home and saw a note from my mom and it said...

You know I love you but I feel like you can live on your own now here's 50,000 for rent until you get a job.
Love always,
Wow. She really left me, I can't believe it well I can but oh well not like I do anything anyway. Yayyy more shit to worry about. FUCK THE WORLD!

Niall's POV
Why did I kiss Taylor? Why did I beat Chloe up? Why is my life like this? Why? I'm going to go apologize to her maybe that will make things better. I hope.

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