Chapter 6 Let it be the end

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Chloe's POV
So Niall made us breakfast and I don't know what he put in them so I was scared to eat them. He asked if I was okay all I did was glare at him and kept playing with the food he made me, I felt bad for not eating but honestly I was fucking scared who knows the bacon could be socks that look like Bacon and when I eat them they get stuck in my throat and kill me! I have weird problems lol. So I excused myself and Niall said "No sit down right now" I said "why should I listen to you" and now you could see steam coming out of his ears he was pissed. I got up and he yelled "BECAUSE I SAID" and like that he hit me across my face. I looked at him in horror with tears in my eyes did he really just do that to me? Niall hit me. I started crying and his eyes softened and he said he was sorry and tried to help me up. I flinched and he ran away from me and up the steps I heard the door slam and I just ran out the front door and ran to my house that was really close to mine to close for my liking. I walked in the house went upstairs.

Niall's POV
I hit her I actually hit her the girl I like/ love I hit her without even thinking.
She must really hate me now and honestly I would too because I mean I just fucking hit her for crying out loud, actually I would try to stay away from me at all times but that's not easy for her to do because believe it or not I got all my classes changed to be the same as hers every single day so I could see her beautiful face before I slapped it omg I feel horrible!

Chloe's POV
I went into my bathroom locked the door and got into my secret cabinet I installed myself in the wall that has all my pills and shit in it and it looks just like a regular wall smart right? Yeah it is. Well got it open and I took out my BESTFRIEND the razor. I took it to my thigh and slid it across it felt so amazing to have all that blood drip off my leg and just have it oozing out and then a few more and then I was done but right about when I was about to clean up i passed out and I guess fell asleep with the razor in my hand and my thigh bleeding but I didn't care I just wanted to sleep and never wake up.

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