~ Chapter 9 ~

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Swiftpaw stuck close to Blackwind as they made their way towards the Gathering. It was his first time, however the elders had described what it was like. The Gathering was held into a cave, which Snowstar had argued against but ultimately let it go. The elders had also mentioned they were excited to see who would take the leadership of Mountainclan, since word had gotten around that the leader, Rockstar and his deputy Blizzardstorm were brutally murdered. Swiftpaw had wanted to hear more, but he was dragged away for training by Blackwind. Swiftpaw was so deep in his thoughts that he didn't see Stonepaw speed up to walk beside him.

"Earth to Swiftpaw." The grey tom smirked, nudging the smaller tom.

"Whu?" Swiftpaw blinked.

"Wanna meet some apprentices from the other clans when we get there?" Stonepaw repeated his question.

"Uh- sure." Swiftpaw blinked.

Birdpaw, a Creekclan apprentice about 2 moons older than them, trotted up to the two toms.

"Meeting new cats and making friends was my favorite part about my first Gathering." She purred.

"How many apprentices do you know from other clans?" Swiftpaw asked curiously.

"I know a few from Willowclan. A couple of the Mountainclan apprentices are rude though." Birdpaw's left ear twitched. "I heard word there are some new Mountainclan apprentices so maybe they will be able to go instead of the rude ones."

"Oh, okay!" Swiftpaw smiled, slightly confused but he earned a smile back from Birdpaw.

"Come on everyone." Snowstar announced, quieting the selected cats of Creekclan behind her.

Swiftpaw's heart raced in excitement as they entered the Gathering cave, Blackwind turning towards him.

"We have a bit before the Gathering begins. You can introduce yourself to some of the other clan cats." His mentor suggested.

Swiftpaw nodded, looking around for his brother before spotting the grey tom talking with a few other apprentices. Swiftpaw's ears perked up as he trotted over, a tabby she waving her tail.

"Hi, you must be new!" She mewed.

"Y-Yeah. I'm Swiftpaw." He flashed a nervous smile at her.

"I'm Splashpaw." She tucked her tail over her paws. "I'm from Willowclan, this is my friend Hawkpaw." She looked toward a brown tabby tom beside her.

Hawkpaw nodded to Swiftpaw and Swiftpaw couldn't help but feel intimidated by the larger cat as he returned the gesture. Splashpaw suddenly looked towards the entrance, her attention towards a group of cats at the entrance.

"Mountainclan's here." Splashpaw explained when Swiftpaw looked at the newcomers with a perplexed expression.

Swiftpaw nodded, studying the tom in the front. He guessed that was Mountainclan's leader but he didn't know who it was. The tom was a dull orange tabby and if Swiftpaw looked closer he could see speckles of black splattered over his pink nose. There was a scar leading from his shoulder and down his flank to hind leg. Swiftpaw watched the cats, who he noted were leaner than the other clans, make their way down before they all separated. Swiftpaw blinked as he noticed four younger looking cats stick together, looking around awkwardly.

"They must be new too." Hawkpaw seemed to speak Swiftpaw's thoughts as he too stared at them.

Swiftpaw stood up and padded over curiously. "Hi!"

A dark grey she turned to him. "Who are you?"

"I'm Swiftpaw." He dipped his head "I just became an apprentice recently." He added shyly.

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