~ Chapter 13 ~

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Cloudpaw's head hung low as he entered the camp, Sunbeam beside him. He could feel other cats' stares on him, but everything seemed blurred and far away. He looked up as he heard someone call his name. Mistwhisper ran up to him, looking around and behind Cloudpaw before blinking at him.

"Where is Pebblepaw? What happened? Are you okay?" His mother started grooming down his ruffled up fur.

Cloudpaw gazed at her bleakly, unable to stop himself from breaking down crying. Mistwhisper had a look of confusion as she looked from Moonstrike to Sunbeam. Sunbeam hung his head, Ivysong rushed forward to comfort him. Moonstrike walked over to Mistwhisper, murmuring something in her ear. Mistwhisper started trembling, her expression changing to horror as her sobbing joined Cloudpaw's. She cat-embraced her son, paws shaking. Lionpaw and Cougarpaw looked at them with sympathy, Rainsweptpaw biting back tears as she remembered the night she promised Pebblepaw that she would always protect her. Cloudpaw pulled away from his mother, staggering into his den and past Lionpaw as the golden tom reached out to him. He collapsed into his nest, tucking his tail tightly over himself. He needed guidance, he needed someone to say it will all go away. Cloudpaw's crying quieted to a few choked cries before he finally slipped into an unsteady sleep. He woke up, well kinda, in a dark eerie forest. He knew this, he's been here several times but still wasn't used to the constant hooting on an owl he couldn't see.

"Cloudpaw... you're early." A hoarse voice spoke up.

"Yeah..." Cloudpaw wiped away some remaining tears, looking around for the familiar broad face of his mentor.

"Why's that?" The familiar large tom walked out of the bushes, a long scar reaching down from his right ear down to the left side of his muzzle.

Cloudpaw shivered, biting his lower lip. "I-I need help."

"With...?" The broad shouldered tom sat down in front of his apprentice.

"W-Well... my sister d-died." Cloudpaw rasped quietly.

"Oh Cloudpaw." Freeze put a paw on his heart, Cloudpaw not noticing the sympathy was faked. "How did this tragedy unfold?"

"She fell down the cliff... near the beach..." Cloudpaw flinched when he felt a paw on his shoulder.

"Oh dear, how are you holding up?" Freeze pulled the smaller tom towards him.

Cloudpaw pushed himself away from Freeze's fur, looking up at him. "F-Fine."

Freeze lifted a paw to his head. "I can't imagine what would happen if my own dear sister fell down a cliff."

"I didn't know you had a sister." Cloudpaw blinked.

"I don't." Freeze shoved Cloudpaw away harshly. "Now... training?"

"I-I can't. I just came for some reassurance..." Cloudpaw trailed off before he felt something grab his neck.

Freeze had his paw on Cloudpaw's throat, squeezing it slightly. "Training?" He asked again.

"Y-Yes-" Cloudpaw choked meekly.

Freeze's gaze brightened. "Good!"

He released Cloudpaw, turning and trotting away. Cloudpaw gasped quietly, rubbing his neck and sighing. He followed, glancing behind him as he heard a small rustle. Cloudpaw's ear twitched as he searched for what made that noise. He blinked, seeing nothing and bounding after Freeze.

Behind the bushes...

...a golden tom had his paws over his mouth as tears streamed down his cheeks...

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