~ Chapter 12 ~

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Swiftpaw was in the elders den, for two reasons. One, it was pouring and he wouldn't train currently, and two, Blackwind told him to collect ticks off the elders. He wrinkled his nose back at the smell of mouse-bile as he listened to one of the elders, Thornfur, talk about Creekclan's first leader Creekstar. Swiftpaw half-listened, he was mainly focused on not gagging due to the smell when Snowstar strolled into the den.

"Son, we're going to go the beach." Snowstar announced, earning 'are you stupid?' looks from Cardinalheart and Thornfur but Snowstar ignored it.

Swiftpaw blinked, he knew all the Creekclan warriors have been to the beach at least once during their apprenticeship, but why now when it's pouring??

"Um- but it's raining." Swiftpaw blinked.

"A little rain never stopped anyone." Snowstar scoffed.

"A-Alright." Swiftpaw forced a smile, waving goodbye to the elders before following his mother.

Stonepaw was waiting by the entrance, at least he looked excited. Swiftpaw bounded over to him with a small grin as he waited for Snowstar to catch up. Their mother nodded to them and walked out of the camp. The cold rain dripped down from the trees and splashed onto Swiftpaw's back, making him shiver. Suddenly he remembered something a warrior named Skypaws mentioned.

"Don't we have to cross Mountainclan's territory to get to the beach??" Swiftpaw asked.

Quick thing before we continue, Mountainclan's territory is on the side of a mountain that's flat enough for them to live on, Creekclan's territory is in a small valley besides Mountainclan and Willowclan is beyond Creekclan in a small willow tree forest. The beach is accessible by crossing Mountainclan's territory and going down a slightly narrow trail to reach the beach. K? Cool? Good. Continue.

"Yes, we have gotten permission with an escort down." Snowstar explained as they reached the border with Mountainclan.

There was about five seconds of waiting before Swiftpaw thought he saw the shadows shift. A black she followed by a slightly smaller white tom followed behind her. Swiftpaw recognized the tom as Cloudpaw from the most recent Gathering, except there was a new scar along his side from what it looked like claws raking down his flank. Swiftpaw wondered what it was from, but didn't ask. A pale golden tom following the two with Pebblepaw, greeting them with a smile.

"Snowstar." The black she who Swiftpaw guessed was Cloudpaw's mentor, though Cloudpaw would occasionally glare at her.

"Ah, Moonstrike was it? And who are you?" Snowstar looked at the cat she called Moonstrike and then looked at the tom who Pebblepaw was sticking close to.

"I am Sunbeam, these are our apprentices Pe-" The tom started but was cut off by Snowstar.

"Pebblepaw and Cloudpaw I heard from the Gathering." Snowstar rolled her eyes, earning a quiet hiss from Moonstrike.

"Oh- well, then lets get going. It's their first time as well." Sunbeam walked away, Pebblepaw trotting beside him.

Moonstrike beckoned for Snowstar and her sons to follow, which they did with little complaints. It fell quiet between the group, so Swiftpaw slowed to walk alongside Cloudpaw.

"So- er- how are you?" Swiftpaw asked awkwardly.

He saw one of Cloudpaw's ears twitch towards him, indicating that he heard him but he answered a few moments later.

"Ok I guess."

Swiftpaw did not entirely believe him, Cloudpaw seemed quieter than he was at the Gathering and he looked lost. So Swiftpaw asked.

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