~ Chapter 10 ~

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Cloudpaw quickly learned he didn't like Moonstrike, her and her training. She was always so strict with it, he couldn't have a normal conversation with her since she would bring up either how bad she thought he was doing with hunting or how sloppy his moves were. He was only a moon and a half into his training, and he wasn't looking forward to being an apprentice anymore. He and Moonstrike fought claws unsheathed, often she would win but he promised himself that he would beat her one day. Training harder and harder has it's downsides.

"Cloudpaw hold still."

Cloudpaw grumbled, turning towards Scarletflame. Moon watched from nearby, her purple eyes flashing with worry. She had given up trying to treat his wounds when Cloudpaw had started snapping at her and Scarletflame took over. The medicine cat pressed cobwebs onto the claw marks on his flank. Moonstrike had made the excuse that they were attacked by a fox and that they had scared it off. Cloudpaw had silently glared at her. No, the fox is still in our territory and she's my mentor. Suddenly, he felt a small sting of pain shoot through the wound on his flank. His head turned sharply to bare his teeth at Scarletflame. The red she cat finished spreading the herbs over the claw marks and glared at him.

"Just take it easy for the rest of the day." The she huffed, turning away to clean up the spare herbs she didn't use to help with Cloudpaw's wound.

Cloudpaw stood up with an angry lash of his tail, exiting the den but not before he heard Scarletflame mutter to herself.

"I sometimes wonder how he's Blizzardstorm's son."

A knot formed in Cloudpaw's throat as tears threatened to fall down his cheeks. He shook his head violently, breaking into a run and retreating from the camp. As he reached a quiet and secluded spot, he couldn't stop the stream of tears running down his face. Cloudpaw let out a choked sob, his shoulders shaking. Suddenly, he heard twigs snap behind him and he whirled around with a disoriented snarl. He stopped as he realized who it was.

"Don't show weakness Cloudpaw." Moonstrike narrowed her eyes at him. "It will only drag you down."

Cloudpaw bit back another sob, turning away and wiping off the remaining tears. "I wasn't showing any weakness." He mumbled hoarsely.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Moonstrike approach him. He bristled as she whispered in his ear. "It doesn't matter what anyone thinks, Blizzardstorm is gone and theres nothing you can do about it."

Cloudpaw's eyes widened as he swung his head around to look away. "Why can't you just leave me alone for even a minute."

Suddenly, he felt a sharp pain across the treated wound on his flank. He quickly looked over to see it had reopened, blood beginning to ooze down his side. It hadn't reopened on its own. He saw the remains of blood on Moonstrike's claws. He was used to being injured by her but this time he knew she took it a little too far. Cloudpaw flinched as she raised her paw to lash out again, acting out of reflexes as he reacted first. He slashed at her exposed chest with his claws, scrambling away from her with a hiss. She snarled, lowering her paw. Her expression was a mixture of surprise and... was that pride? How could she be proud?

"Don't touch me." Cloudpaw warned, though it was kind of funny in his mind that an about 8 or so moon old apprentice was threatening a full grown warrior.

She backed up a pace, her eyes narrowed. "Very well, I expect you back before sunset."

Cloudpaw's ears pricked up as she turned and stalked into the undergrowth. He really didn't want to come back at all, but at least he was given permission to skip Falconpaw, Creekpaw, and Owlpaw's warrior ceremonies. He didn't like clan meetings unless it concerned him, which it usually did. His mother always wanted him to participate in them, seeing that he still had his father's reputation to keep in one place, but he could care less. Cloudpaw sighed, looking around. He realized he was near somewhere that was very special to the clans, Blizzardstorm and Rockstar's graves. It couldn't hurt, right...? Cloudpaw slowly padded over to a place where the the rocky landscape gave way to grass. It was a small little meadow thing, but it was still sacred. He stopped by a mound of dirt, where a small daisy was laid gentle over top of it. Mistwhisper had put it there, he knew that. Cloudpaw cleared his throat, sitting down.

"Uh- hey dad. I still remember you... telling me how amazing it is to be apart of a clan... I was pretty young and I can't remember exactly what you said but I don't agree with you. My mentor is awful and needs to go choke on mouse-bile, Scarletflame hates me, I haven't had much time for my friends, and... I dunno... so many cats are comparing me to you. It's not like thats a bad thing..." Cloudpaw trailed off, a tear sliding down his cheek.

Cloudpaw sighed, again, hearing that iconic sound of a twig snapping.

"Oh my Starclan leave me alone." He groaned, turning his head and expecting to see Moonstrike.

However, he fell silent when he saw Lionpaw's golden furred face staring at him awkwardly.

"Oh- s-sorry I'll go." Lionpaw said quickly, turning around to leave.

"No-" Cloudpaw started to say, but then realized he would prefer to be alone.

However, Lionpaw had heard him and turned towards Cloudpaw with a confused look. Cloudpaw looked away, he didn't want to hurt his friends feeling by saying he wanted to be alone. Unfortunately, he lost the chance of ever shooing Lionpaw away when the tom sat down next to him.

"You okay...?" Lionpaw asked quietly, his gaze drifting over Blizzardstorm's grave before he looked back at Cloudpaw.

"Yes." Don't cry don't cry don't cry.

"You sure?"

"Yes." The force behind Cloudpaw's voice strengthened.

Lionpaw stared at him, looking hurt at how unwelcoming Clodupaw sounded. "Well, I'd better get back... cya."

Cloudpaw gazed at Lionpaw bleakly as he left, the lonely feeling in his gut growing. He shook it away before tilting his head up at the darkening sky. Suddenly, someone's voice echoed in his ears, causing him to jump in fear. He could barely make out words as they were repeated over and over.

"The tide is rising, hostility climbing

Among the friendly faces, an evil lurks in the shadows

Seek to find the traitors, but beware

Familes ripped apart, hearts torn in two

As the darkness grows, the stars will be covered

Three cats will be destined to stop the fighting

Find the cat of swift feet, kit of the one you will defeat

Find the cat of kindest heart, their eyes like a blazing fire

And at last the cat that has fallen deep, fighting back the treacherous darkness that threatens to taint their soul

Find them."

Cloudpaw jerked, letting out a gasp. The voice faded, his heart pounding as he tried to comprehend what just happened. He breathed heavily, his ears flattened. Cloudpaw's eyes were wide with fear and confusion.


- - -

Top of the mornin to ya lads!!

How you guys holding up huh? Yes, Cloudpaw's sanity and mentality is going down. My goal is to kinda make him, idk, evil for a bit?

Should. I. Make. Pineleaf. X. Pouncetail. A. Thig??

*cough* bad english *cough*


*wheezes in amerkian*

Anyways, Bye, Adios, Sayonara, Aloha,

Blossom <3

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