~ Chapter 14 ~

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Splashfall's vigil had been uneventful and overly boring. She could barely stay awake through it, but she occupied herself wondering what that voice had said. Could one of those cats be me?? Which one? I don't think it's the last one that was described. Hey, my eyes are like a blazing fire. I think? They're orange. Who could the others be? I mean, Swiftpaw's name is literally Swiftpaw. Maybe its him?? Why would we defeat his mother?? WHO IS HIS MOTHER?? I don't know who the other one would be, I don't think it's anyone from my clan. Maybe its three cats from all different clans. Me from Willowclan, one from Creekclan, and one from Mountainclan. Ugh, I need more details.

"Alright you three, you can go rest in your nests."

"Starclan tails!" She yelped, snapping out of her thoughts and jumping upwards.

Despite how tired Hawktail and Rainpelt looked, they both burst out laughing. The cat who had spoken was looking at them in amusement.

"Oh... hi Mintystar." Splashfall laughed nervously.

She shook her head with a small smile. "Your vigil is over, dear."

Hawktail nudged her playfully. "Come on Splashfall."

Splashfall huffed and entered the camp, immeding being bombarded as Pineleaf started bouncing in front of her.

"Splashfall! Me, Pouncetail, and Silverspirit all made nests for you three in your new den!" He grinned.

Splashfall chuckled tiredly, following her ecstatic mentor- no not mentor anymore - her friend to the warriors den. Splashfall took note that she was taller than him, the tips of his ears reaching her muzzle. He jumped into the den in front of them, Splashfall hearing muffled yelps from inside. Confused, she poked her head in, seeing Pineleaf had accidentally jumped on top of Silverspirit and Pouncetail. The little tom was laughing while the two under him were grumbling small complaints before they pushed him off. Splashfall smiled, following Pineleaf to a trio of freshly made nests. Hawktail gladly flopped into his, Rainpelt lying down on top of him with a purr of amusement before he rolled over to his. Hawktail swatted at him with his tail as Splashfall settled in hers. She mewed a small 'thank you' to her former mentor before she let sleep take her.

She slowly opened her eyes, gazing around at her surroundings. There was no landscape, only darkness pressing in on her. She pricked her ears and turned her head slightly. There was another cat there. Splashfall felt her heart pound as she studied the scene in front of her. A glowing white cat was standing over a lifeless body of an equally unfamiliar cat. The killer had brilliant bright blue eyes but as they looked up, blood dripping from their jaw, Splashfall couldn't find any reason not to be scared of their gaze. But as she stared closer, she noticed an overwhelming amount of fear in their expression. Splashfall backed up a pace as the glowing cat looked around and then at her desperately.

"Who are you...?" Splashfall studied them.

The cat opened and closed their jaws as if they were trying to speak but no words came out.

Then Splashfall's eyes snapped open.

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Shorter chapter because I've been busy. But I have some ideas. Take some quick guesses on what Splashfall's dream meant and who's in it.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2021 ⏰

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