~ Chapter 7 ~

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Cloudpaw studied Moonstrike as she demonstrated a hunters' crouch, watching as she straightened and looked at him.

"Your turn Cloudpaw." She mewed after not saying anything for a long time.

"Um... how do you do it?" Cloudpaw asked. "I mean you just showed me but you didn't say anything about where to put my paws or-" Cloudpaw quickly added, but was cut off when she cuffed him on the ear.

"You're thinking too much about it." She growled. "Just do it."

"A-alright." Cloudpaw blinked, slowly lowering himself into what he thought was a hunters' crouch.

"No no no not like that." Moonstrike used her tail to stop Cloudpaw's from twitching. "Tuck in your paws more."

Cloudpaw shifted, leaning forward to tuck his paws further under himself. Suddenly, he felt sharp claws hook his back legs and yank them out from under him. Cloudpaw gasped as he fell onto the ground with a thud, shaking his head to free himself from the leaf that had fluttered onto his head.

"Do it better." Moonstrike hissed from behind him. "And get up."

Cloudpaw wasted no time in scrambling to his paws, quickly trying to get back into the hunting position he had been in a few minutes ago. Moonstrike narrowed her eyes and flattened the spiked fur on his back with her tail.

"Good, now." She bent down to grip a leaf in her jaws and walked a few cat lengths away from him before setting it down. "Think of this leaf as a mouse, you only get one chance to catch it before it runs away. Be quick and aim well."

Cloudpaw nodded, slowly sliding forward in the crouched position with his eyes fixated on the leaf. He was aware of Moonstrike's eyes assessing him and his every move. He glanced to the side at her before tucking his back legs in a little more. He exhaled before he leaped, crashing down to the forest floor right in front of the leaf. Cloudpaw panted, turning his head to stare in Moonstrike's direction. The only thing that he was greeted with was the prick of sharp claws raking his cheek. He stumbled back at the force of the blow, blood trickling from the scratch. Cloudpaw looked down as he lifted a paw, his pad facing up. Blood splashed onto the front of his paw and he looked up in horror.

"Y-You... I thought we couldn't have our claws unsheathed!" Cloudpaw gasped.

"Builds character." Moonstrike narrowed her eyes. "You did awful, you got to focused on me. I saw it. You always need your attention on the mouse."

I'm still new at this! Cloudpaw couldn't help but bristle as he regained balance and nodded silent at his mentor.

"Try again." Moonstrike hissed.

* * *

Cloudpaw was exhausted. While the others talked about how fun it was to train, he was the only who got worked hard during his training.

"Builds character." Moonstrike had said again.


Cloudpaw looked up, realizing he had been scraping his claws along the stone floor. "Oh-"

Lionpaw had sat down next to him. "You okay? You look tired."

"I'm fine." Cloudpaw assured him, hoping he didn't ask about the scratch.

"Is that new?" Lionpaw asked, gesturing to it.

Dang he's observant. Or just smart enough to keep track of how many scratches were from the thorn bush and which ones appeared out of nowhere. "No?"

"You sure?"

"It's my cheek of course I'm sure."

Lionpaw laughed, making Cloudpaw smile despite how tired he was. The large golden furred tom elbowed him.

"And you're like a brother to me, I'd think I know if you just randomly had a scratch idiot."

"Offense taken."

Lionpaw laughed again, that laugh that seemed to lift Cloudpaw's spirits. Wow... He watched the larger tom before feeling his cheeks grow red. Stop staring Cloudpaw. He scolded himself.

"Cloudpaw!!" A voice suddenly spoke up, snapping Cloudpaw out of his trance.

"Wha-" He started to turn his head but couldn't finish his sentence before Pebblepaw barreled into him. "ACK!"

"I had so much fun exploring the territory!" His sister purred, rolling off him.

"And I had so much fun suffering."

Is what he would have said if he was brave enough, instead he said.

"Me too."

Pebblepaw beamed, Rainsweptpaw walking up to them with a smile at the bright eyed she cat.

"Hey guys." Rainsweptpaw sat down in front of them. "You seen Cougarpaw around?"

"Pretty sure he's in the medicine den with Moon." Lionpaw chuckled, Rainsweptpaw rolling her eyes.

"We just became apprentices and he's already thinking about mates." She snorted.

Pebblepaw and Cloudpaw laughed as Lionpaw asked. "So... what now? We have a bit before sunset."

"We could play mouse tag again." Rainsweptpaw smirked.

"Aw heck no!" Cloudpaw yelped, Pebblepaw practically dying laughing after he said that.

Lionpaw tackled his grey furred sister, both siblings rolling over on the ground. Cloudpaw's grin fizzled out when he saw none other than Moonstrike storming over. Panicked, he quickly dragged Lionpaw away from Rainsweptpaw before Moonstrike would use force to break them apart. However, Cloudpaw didn't have the balance to hold Lionpaw up and not drop him. He stumbled, falling backwards with Lionpaw falling on top of him. Not knowing what was on top of him at first, Cloudpaw groaned at the pain hitting the ground. When he looked up, he saw Lionpaw's beet red face looking at him. Cloudpaw stiffened, his eyes wide as he blushed heavily. However the moment didn't last before someone shoved Lionpaw away.

Yay it was Moonstrike.

"You fools are no better than kits!" The black she hissed.

Cloudpaw blinked, despite the situation he still found it funny that Moonstike was shorter than Lionpaw. He didn't hear Moonstrike if she spoke again, he was busy looking at Lionpaw. The golden furred tom was trying to hide himself in his fur out of embarrassment, Cloudpaw forcing back a smile. Moonstrike eventually stopped trying to scold them and stalked away. Cloudpaw didn't mind, he just kept staring at Lionpaw. He's cute. He thought, smiling but he immediately turned red as he followed that thought with. No no no, he's not. We're just friends. Nothing more.

"Uh... sorry for... falling... on you..." Lionpaw said awkwardly.

"Oh, no that was my fault for grabbing you." Cloudpaw assured him.

The two fell silent, Pebblepaw and Rainsweptpaw speechless from what had just happened. Finally, Pebblepaw broke the uncomfortable silence.

"I ship it."

- - -

Top of the day to you lads! It ain't morning for everyone.

Yes cats do ship each other I do what I want. This was a lot of fun to write and yes it has been a long time but I'm going to try to upload more.

Now Bye, Adios, Sayonara, Aloha,

Blossom <3

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