Chapter 4

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What I loved most about finishing college and quitting my job was that seriously, my dark circles were gone and it had been only two days since I graduated.

I think that the responsibility I had placed on me, far from distracting me from my depression, created a new one. I realized that I stopped getting depressed about what happened before moving to Irvine because I was so busy getting depressed from the stress of college and work.

Luckily, I felt a little better, I had not overcome what had happened in New Orleans but realizing that I had two spectacular friends, made me feel much better.

And the advantage of having made friends with the professors was that a teacher from the university had found me a place to start working as soon as I graduated.

My life was starting to take the turn I wanted, I got a high paying job that I was sure I would love. Besides that, I could take the time to rest properly and also dedicate myself to exercising or learning to play an instrument, since my work day would start at 9 a.m and ended at 6 p.m, with a lunch break at 2 p.m but it depended on how appointments with patients would be scheduled.

I was terrified, I mean, I always knew that I was born to be a psychologist, helping and listening to people was something that made me feel good about myself. I liked to feel useful in all aspects and to realize that I helped someone to face a problem or a trauma, I could not wait to positively impact the lives of many people. But I was terrified, what if I didn't know what to do in a situation that a patient presented to me? What if I made it worse? I had devoted a lot to studying all kinds of situations or problems in various fields, but what if something was out of my reach?

I decided not to think about it anymore, I knew that if something like that happened, I would learn from it or find a way to solve it.

I prepared myself breakfast and when I finished, I smoked a cigarette of weed, because I really loved to relax... and because I couldn't sleep the whole night.

"24" by Lana del Rey was playing when my bell rang. Shit! There was no way my neighbors could smell my weed, I turned on my fan and I was in my room.

But when I opened the door, I met the most beautiful woman I could have ever known.

"Good morning, Miss Venable." I greeted and was grateful I was in the relaxation stage and not the stage where I laugh like a fool.

I was embarrassed that she saw me like this, because apart from being in pajamas and with my messy hair, I could not concentrate on what she was saying to me.

"... so they asked me to come and return it to you." I heard her saying.

I shook my head. I was about to fall asleep right there, or just my mind was so relaxed that it wasn't processing anything she was saying to me. Ugh, I loved marijuana.

"Uh-huh..." I simply answered. I didn't know I was frowning.

She was beautiful, I really loved her face, I think that not even the most meticulous sculptor could match an art as beautiful as her face was, and her body, surely.

"This is useless, you know what? I'll leave it here and say I gave it to you." She told me.

Wow, she seemed upset, I didn't know how many times she had said that to me, but probably not too many, she was just very impatient.

"Sorry, I wasn't paying attention." I apologized, trying hard not to zoom out.

I wanted to focus, but there was Lana del Rey playing, there was Venable, and I just wanted to sleep.

"Of course not, you are high!" She said. "You had forgotten your backpack at Jeff and Mutt's house, they asked me to come and return it to you." She repeated.

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