First Day

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"Wait you're serious?! We get to be your apprentices?" Max yelled out not knowing whether Will was being serious or simply making a joke. "Yes I am serious, I made my decision, but I am fully prepared to undo my offer and send you straight off to a farm. And I should know the pressure your feeling. I was in your place once. But that was a long time ago." Jack now spoke out seeming extremely interested in what was happening. "So you will teach us how to become Rangers?" "I will not teach you how to become Rangers," Will said putting extra stress on the 'how'," I will teach you to become Rangers. To learn the skills, and the secrets needed to defend our kingdom from the dangers of the rest of the world. As you may has noticed the cabin is small. It is made to host to only one Ranger, and his, or her, apprentice now." Will had been the first Ranger to serve as a trainer for the first female Ranger, who also happened to be the daughter of the queen. Maddie was then a fully fledged Ranger and was in her own fief. "The two of you will have to decide the sleeping arrangements later. There is a pad for camping in there for the one not on the bed. I suggest the pad though. It will let you not get too accustomed to sleeping in a comfortable bed." They walked through the yard. Jack had a mesmerized look in his eyes. Max however studied the yard. There were targets, all made to be easily moved, a water barrel, that would obviously hold at least 25 buckets. Also a small horse hold, that could house up to 4, but now it only would only house Will's horse. And a wood chopping stump, with large logs across the way. Will noticed how curious he was, looking around at everything. "It's hard work to tend to everything, but the life of a Ranger isn't meant to be easy. I understand you can make a nice stew Maxwell?" "Just Max is fine sir, but yes I can." "Oh just Will is fine Max. So how about this, Max you prepare us lunch, and Jack you can chop wood for the stove." This immediately snapped Jack out his trance of amazement. "Wait what? But all Max has to do is put together some herbs and wine, as I have to chop wood?" "No. Max has to prepare our afternoon meal, and you will collect the wood for him to cook it on. While he is cooking you will complete your other tasks. You will break at noon and eat. Then Max will join you in the tasks. And because you will have already completed tasks Max will complete the majority of the rest." "Hey that's unfair!" Max shouted to Will and he smiled. "It is entirely fair. Unless you wish to skip Breakfast and lunch I suggest you get started." Jack smiled now. He realized that with the work of cutting the wood for the day, it would offset what Max had to do. Thus, more work for Max. Will noticed the planning happening in Jack's head. "I know what you are thinking. But we can teach you to cook as well. I learned, and so can you. This work will be split far more on days to come." Max was glad he would still get to cook some. That was one skill that he didn't want to forget. "So what exactly does an apprentice Ranger do?" Will smiled to himself. "An apprentice cleans the house, makes sure there is plenty of firewood, and keeps everything in order, am I clear?" "Yes Will, your clear." Max and Jack both said this phrase at the same time. "Good. Now Jack go pick up that axe and start chopping, and Max start making our lunch."

By the time Jack had finished chopping the day's wood, he walked inside and found that Max had all but finished their lunch. Max hummed lightly to himself as he added the last of the spices that he needed in. And until Will spoke there was nothing outside of Max's world except for the kitchen. "Smells good Max. When will I be ready?" "Oh sorry Will, it should just about be ready now. All it needs is.... That and now it's done." Max added one small drop of wine for a little extra flavor, and it was done. Will and Jack both helped themselves to a bowl before Max had any. "Oh this is good Max. It's better than anything I could prepare. But as a future note. We will not be carrying every spice,or herb, or wine that you will need. So become used to cooking it faster, and with less ingredients." Max nodded understanding what Will said. Then he helped himself to a bowl. It was indeed a great stew. After lunch Max started his chores. He began by filling the water barrel, which held 31 buckets. Then he had to beat the carpet out. Once he finished doing that Will said that they had finished all of the chores. And by the time that came, the sun had already fallen beyond the horizon. Will had prepared some hot venison and fruit for dinner. When they finished eating Will sent them to sleep, him following shortly after. Max had decided that he would sleep on the floor. He had thought that since they would camp on the ground eventually, he would begin now, rather than waiting for that first camp. It had been a hard day, and he was grateful for rest, even if it were only on a small pad.
A/N: thanks for reading this. I will be trying to put out chapters as fast as I can. Please vote, and keep reading. Thanks!!

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