Moving in closer part 2

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(This story will be mostly in the POV of Max)
Saturday 12:00 pm 7 hours before the date.

I kept pacing back in forth whenever I could, whenever no one was in the room. Luckily Will took Jack out on a hunting trip, leaving me behind, knowing I had to get ready. 7 hours, 7 hours to get a new suit delivered from Crowley, and to get myself ready, by combing my hair and cleaning myself up a bit more than usual. I sent an urgent letter up to Crowley, directly by one of lady Pauline's best couriers, Sally. Requesting the new suit ASAP. At 6 feet tall, I am, by far, the tallest Ranger the corps has seen in some time. And seeing as the last formal ceremony was 3 years ago, it's time for a new suit. *Knock Knock* I rushed to the door, to find lady Pauline herself, holding a parcel. "A special delivery, for you Ranger Max." I took the parcel gratefully. "Thank you my lady, and this," I handed her a small handful of silver coins as a thank you," is for all of the trouble I put you and Ms. Sally through." Never owe anyone favors, it had been one of Will's drills he had put into his head. "Thank you sir. Have a nice day." I finally had about 20 pounds of weight off of my shoulders. Now that I can relax about that, I have about another 4 hours.

4:30 2 and a half hours left.

The fire was burning bright. I would have some hot water ready in a matter of moments. With Jack and Will back, I went out back, away from view of anyone. I stripped down just to my under garments, and slowly dipped into the hot water, becoming easily accustomed to the temperature. Taking my time I washed myself over twice, making sure I was perfect. Once out I prepared my outfit. Shining my shoes, only a tad. And putting on my perfect fitting suit. Will helped me measure, with a special fabric, that had a sort of measurement on it that most fabric experts understand. I splashed a little extra warm water into my hair, and pulled it back. I was ready.

6:30 half an hour left.

"I'm going to leave a bit early so I'll r off Will." It was already time. In less than an hour I would be at dinner with the love of my life. "Alright then Max. I will expect you here and ready for more training tomorrow." "I will be Will." I walked out towards the stables. I pulled out Spirit's saddle, and put on her. As I mounted she gave me a look. Oooh fancy. Going somewhere nice? "Just having dinner with Grace." I took my time riding. No need to hurry. When I arrived nearly 10 minutes later, I walked about the castle, until coming upon lady Pauline's office. *Knock knock knock* "Who is it?" "It's Max my lady." The door opened a moment later. "Oh hello Max, what brings you here?" "I was wondering where I could find Grace's room?" "Oh, of course. It's just down the hall, and the last door on the left before the steps." "Thank you very much my lady." I walked towards her room, and knocked on the door. When it opened, I expected to see her as beautiful as ever, but what I got was much different. She wasn't as beautiful, she was even more than I had ever seen before. She wore a water blue silk dress. Her hair was worn down her back, and she had a luxurious smile on that could bring even someone in the deepest sadness back to happy. "Oh hello Max, your early. But, it's a good thing I am ready as well. Let's go."

7:15 Jenny's dining hall. (Third person)

Max and Grace both had the special that night, which was steak. They talked to each other, and laughed, and had a really great time. "Max, can I tell you something?" "Sure what is it?" Grace took anther bite of her steak before speaking again. "Well, you know, we grew up in the ward together." He nodded. "And We've known each other for as long as we can remember?" Again he nodded. "Well, when we were growing up, I always, kind of, oh how do I out this? I always sort of liked you." Max dropped his fork with realization. "What is it?" Max got back to his senses. "I just.... I never realized, that you... You know." "What, what is it?" "I just, I always liked you too, I just thought you didn't like me back." "Well you know now." They talked some more, before they finished eating. After, Max paid the bill for dinner, and they rode back. When they reached the castle, he escorted her back up to her room. "Well, that night really was, amazing. We should do it again some time. Just, not as formal." She began to break out with laughter, followed by Max. "Yes we should. When do you have free time?" "Tonight in two weeks." "Perfect!" She walked into her room, and he walked off to Spirit. Somehow, she could tell that she asked him back for dinner. Oh? Will we be coming back soon then? "Not anytime this week."

They continued to get together every once in a while, for the next year. And after some time, Max finally made a decision. So a few days before his next date, he went to a few shops, and made some special requests. Crowns and crowns flew out of his pouch. But it would all be worth it. He even asked Jenny to prepare steak on that night. When Grace had asked what to where, he "thought" about it for a moment and said formal. Finally, as their dinner came to a close, Max prepared to ask her a question. The question. "Well, tonight has been fun. The steak was delicious. But I've been meaning to ask you something Grace. Do you remember, about a year ago, we had this same dinner, in similar clothing, and, in this same spot?" she thought for a moment and remembered. "Oh yeah. It is almost exactly the same." "Well, that wasn't the actual question yet. And I am leaving tomorrow for my graduation to become a full fledged ranger tomorrow. So if you say no, I probably won't get another chance to ask." He had made his way out of seat, and slowly over towards her. Now he bent down on one knee. "Grace. I was wondering, if you would make me the happiest ranger alive, and marry me?" Grace almost exploded with joy. "Yes! Yes I will!" He stood up, and she stood up to to give him a kiss. Everyone else in the restaurant began applauding.

When Max arrived at the cabin that night he found Will and Jack waiting for him. "So?" He had been planning for weeks. They were bound to notice. "Yes!" The two men stood up to congratulate him. Saying things like "congratulations," and "good job"
A/N:So yeah. I need some readers. I pumped this one out in a day. Please read more, vote, and follow me if you like it. Also recommend the story. I literally have 4 readers. Please recommend. Thanks

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