Moving in Closer

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"Wow! I can't believe it's been 4 years since we became apprentices to Will." Indeed it had been 4 whole years since the two boys had become apprentices to Will. Max was saying the truth, and with those 4years, they had mastered all of their attack skills, most of their stealth skills, and even a little bit of music. Will was talented playing his Mandola, and that influenced him to teach the boys that to use as a cover, as he had so many times before. Jack however didn't take too well to music. As always being a joker, he learned to juggle, told some good jokes, and he even could use his knife throwing skills to impress an audience and scare a volunteer damn well. "Yes it has been a fun 4 years boys, but I have to tell you something. Even though these years have been fun, it's almost over, you only have a few months left with me. And I am nearing the point where I can teach you all that I can. When that happens, you will have to continue on without me." The two boys were shocked, with all of the work and fun they were having with Will, they never once thought about having to leave and both become fully fledged Rangers on their own. "But what about the other trainees in out age group. Only a few Rangers retire each year. What if there aren't enough fiefs left for us?" Max and his reasons. He always was the brighter candle in the room. "That's part of the reason I wanted to talk to the two of you. As you know we usually say, 'One riot, one Ranger.' But that wasn't always the case with me and my mentor, Halt, as well as his old apprentice Gilan. In fact whenever we were called on for a task it was almost always the three or four of us, depending on if Gilan came or not. And when I was nearing graduation time, our leader, Crowley, he said that he had a plan. And I want to ask the two of you the same thing. As you may know, I was in, well let's call it a task force. Anyway I was a part of this, as well as Halt and Horace. So when there was a danger nearby, which was almost all of the time, we would all ride out and Gilan, being as close as he was watched over our house over the time we were gone. So what I wanted to ask, is if you want to start up a small force like that. If you want to, we could have Halt watch over the cabin, he's always wanting to get back into the game." The two boys thought and decided. "Well, I'll do it." "And I will too." Will tried not to show it, but under hid cowl, the two boys saw a small grin. "Excellent. I'll notify Crowley." He spoke softly to himself as he wrote on a small strip of parchment. He set the quill down, put the parchment in an envelope, and handed it to Max. "Do me a favor Max, ride up to the castle and put this in the outgoing letterbox." Max took it and ran off towards the stables. "As for you Jack, get to work on that wood."
Max arrived at the castle five minutes later. When he placed the letter into the letterbox, he turned to find Grace right there. "Oh hello Grace, didn't here you walk in." Grace giggled a bit, "And I thought you were supposed to be the observant one. How have you been, it feels like it's been forever since I've seen you." Max took a moment to think, "Indeed. It has been a while. What have you been doing with lady Pauline?" "Oh just traveling and writing, a lot of writing. Also learning with my dagger." She proceeded to pull out a long slender dagger, about 7 inches in length. "Wow that is a good sized blade." "Yes I know isn't it? Well how about you, Mr. Mysterious, what have you been up to?" "Well, Jack and I have been learning with our bows and knives. As well as other things." "Well it was good to see you! I have to go back to lady Pauline, after I put this away of course." She put her own letter into the letterbox. Max thought quickly, it was now or probably never. "Grace, I was wondering, would you like to get some dinner at some point? Will has been telling me about this great place in the village. Apparently one of his old friends from when he was in the ward." "Sure. I have Seventh's Day (Saturday) free at the week's end. I could meet you at the castle gates at around 7:00?" "Sure that works great! See you then." "Goodbye Max." She took a bit of his cowl back and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. She began walking off, thankfully, because underneath the cowl, you could see re from a mile away. Max walked back to the stable, and splashed some fresh water onto his face, before giving it to Spirit." And a few minutes later, he was on his way home, and a little bit jumpy."
"What's got your happy self so jumpy?" Will asked sarcastically. "Well, considering the fact I have a date on Seventh's Day, that could be it. Or because I just got kissed by Grace, either one." Jack scoffed as e continued splitting wood. "Wow. A lot can happen to a man while he's sending mail." Will had some experience with this kind of thing. His late wife brought back some bad memories. "Well get to work on lunch, and then finish the water." And he did just that. In fact he was so happy, that after doing loads of work, and finishing before sundown, he couldn't feel more energized. Since he had some time to kill, he went for a jog, around the castle, eight times. Before running back, he noticed Grace in the courtyard and ran over to her. "Oh hey Max, didn't think I would be seeing you again today." "Yeah just ran around the castle 8 times, anyway on a scale of 1 through 10, how nice will you be dressing, so I can know." "Hmmm, I would say 9" "Great thanks!" He continued to run back to the cabin, eventually beginning to tire. Only 3 days until his big date.
A/N: thanks for reading. Sorry if this took a little longer than other chapters. If you like what I'm writing, please follow me, and vote for my stories, THANKS!!!

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