How about we use fake information

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Hope had been dropped off in the woods near the grill, while Finch had been taken to the outskirts of the town. Once Finch had finally managed to activate the ring she shifted. Looking at Lizzie she walked over before sniffing Around her looking for a scent. Hope had also shifted and was also looking for a scent but neither of them had come across anything. After a while of searching it was starting to get dark so they decided to call it quits. returning to where they had began Both Finch and Hope shifted back. Hope explained to Alaric that she couldn't find anything and Finch did the same with Lizzie. Lizzie texted her dad Letting him know that they had no success and Alaric text back the same but told Lizzie he was on his way to pick them up. Once Alaric arrived he saw Lizzie and Finch waiting for Him. Stopping the truck He waited for then to climb in. They all sat In silence Until they returned back to the Salvatore boarding school where they were met by Caroline and Freya. Hope got out the car and Ran over to her aunt hugging her as Did Lizzie with her mum "I didn't expect to see you here". Freya smiled at Hope "Well when you hear that your nieces soul mate has vanished you tend to want to help with these things". Hope smiled feeling happy that her aunt was here to help. They all headed into the Salvatore school and to Alaric's office. Once they got there they all walked in, Alaric sat at his desk, Caroline sat next to him , Freya and Finch leaned up against the window and her and Lizzie sat On the chairs opposite the desk. 

Alaric began talking Filling Caroline and Freya in on their attempt to find Josie "Okay so we can't find a scent from Josie, which means she hasn't been through the town. and Lizzies Locator spell didn't work either which means that she's cloaked. No one can track her cell phone and she hasn't called or text anyone. Were at a loss here". Freya was Quiet and so was Caroline, Finch then spoke up "Is there a way we can counter Josie's cloaking spell?" Freya shook her head "The only way that we would be able to Break the spell is by destroying the object that contains the enchantment, Which Josie will most Likely have on her person if she doesn't want to be found". Finch growled feeling Frustrated "Well what can we do then? if there's absolutely no way to find her, what are we going to do? Wait around?".  Alaric was silent for a second thinking when he came up with an Idea and began speaking "How about if we send out a false word that we found new information on soul marks? We could tell our contacts and If Josie found out she would most likely come back". Everyone discussed it and agreed that it was a good idea. As everyone was about to begin calling people Hope spoke out of nowhere "I gave Josie a necklace on her birthday and enchanted it to always be able to find her, If she was wearing it do you think I could find her? Or would the cloaking spell cover that to?" Everyone was Quiet and Freya seemed to be in deep thought about the question when Hope heard Finch "Erm, There may be a slight problem with that". Hope looked at her with a raised eyebrow and a questioning look "What is the problem?" Finch was quiet for a second looking around cautiously before answering "I may have made her siphon your enchant-". Before Finch managed to finish her sentence Hope already had her hand around Finch's throat. "I will give you one chance to tell me your joking before I rip your throat out in front of everyone". Finch was trying to answer but Hopes grip was so tight that she was unable to breath or speak. Instead Finch could see her Vision beginning to go blurry.

 Lizzie Attempted to Calm Hope by Siphoning from her but as soon as she began she was stopped by Hope flashing her eyes at Lizzie. Lizzie stepped backwards and Finch's face was beginning to turn blue. Freya quickly began chanting while focusing on Hope "Tardus pulsatio, corum spiritus" After a few seconds Hope released Finch and Looked at Freya "What did you just do?" Freya walked closer to her before quickly explaining "I used a spell to help calm you down by slowing your heartbeat".  Hope looked at Finch who was sitting on the floor leaned up against the wall taking deep breaths. "Your lucky". She then Looked up at Alaric "You should start calling people, Maybe also ask if any of them have seen Josie already. If they have then Maybe I can figure out a pattern of where she's going or something". Alaric nodded "I will make a note if any of them have". Hope nodded before Looking at Lizzie "I'm sorry". Lizzie just smiled and shrugged "At least you weren't choking me". Alaric dismissed Finch, Hope and Lizzie and told them to head to their rooms on their way Hope Kept Giving Finch the evils. She couldn't believe how stupid Finch was and wanted nothing more than to punish her for everything she had done up to this moment, and She already had an Idea on How to do it.  

Finch, Lizzie and Hope parted ways. Finch headed to her room while Hope headed to her and Lizzies. After a while, Lizzie had fallen to sleep. Hope used that to her advantage as she sneaked out of Lizzies room and down to her old one. Hope stood outside for a second listening if she could hear any movement. When she didn't, Hope snuck in and walked over To Finch's bed. Closing her eyes Hope focused on the sleeping Girl until she found herself in Finch's dream. Finch was currently dreaming about Josie and Hope decided to use it to her advantage. 

Walking over to Josie, Hope kissed her knowing that Finch could see. She then walked Over to Finch and Bit her wrist Forcing Finch to drink it. After she had Hope buried her teeth In Finch's neck Along with Josie and waited for her to go limp before dropping her body to the ground. After A few seconds Finch woke up. Hope then forced Finch to drink from her again. Once she had finished feeding Finch her blood she grinned "Now, I want you to stay there and watch and feel all the pain I'm about to put you through". Finch Looked up at Josie "Josie, I'm Begging you, don't let her do this to me please. I love you". Finch just watched as Josie laughed at her "Shame I never loved you". She then began kissing Hope, Finch felt her heart break but was unable to look away. Hope and Josie broke apart as Hope turned to Finch speaking "This is gonna hurt you a lot more than its going to hurt me". On that note Hope stripped Josie's clothes and then her own before Picking Josie up who wrapped her legs around Hope's waist. She then pushed Josie up against a door as she began kissing her neck and running her hands over her thighs, Josie wrapped her hands in Hope's hair moaning and whimpering lightly As Hope grinded against her. Finch at this point couldn't think straight, She felt her heart shatter tears were blurring her vision and there was nothing she could do about it.

Hope opened her eyes looking down at Finch's face, she saw tears rolling down her cheeks and grinned to herself satisfied, before standing up and creeping out of the room and back to hers and Lizzies. Once Hope got back, she walked over to her bed and crawled in it before closing her eyes and falling to sleep.

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