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Hope was sitting in the cells impatiently. So far Josie had come down every hour to check on her and talk to her. Hope was starting to get irritable and hungry. Sitting on the metal bed frame Hope started trying to use magic. She had been practicing and trying to get it to work now that she was a vampire but she had so far been unsuccessful. Hope thought maybe it was because she was trying big spells so she vowed that once she was out, she would start small until she had her magic fully back. Hope heard the door go upstairs and stood up waiting by the bars for another verbal smackdown with Josie. Hope however, was surprised when none other than Lizzie Saltzman walked in and stood in front of her cage. 

"Lizzie, what a pleasant surprise, you have no idea how boring it is in this cage. Why don't you siphon Josie's spell and we can talk things out?" Lizzie stood and shook her head "I have another suggestion. You could stay locked in there like an animal for the remainder of your immortal life". Hope growled and flashed her eyes at Lizzie "I'm warning you Lizzie, I'm angry and hungry and killing you is going to be so satisfying. But before I kill you, I will kill every person you love first. Starting with dear old daddy. Then MG. Then Caroline-". Hope was cut off mid sentence when she heard another voice "What about me? Are you going to kill me Hope?" Hope looked up and locked eyes on Josie who was now standing next to Lizzie sipping from a blood bag.  Hope was silent for a second before speaking "Yep, I'm going to kill you to". Josie stood and nodded "Okay, well guess your not having this then". Josie stood in front of Hope holding a blood bag up. Hope's veins were already pulsing and her eyes were already bright gold. Growling Hope punched the cage door with all her strength "Give me the blood Josie". Josie just stood unmoving as she shook her head "Turn your humanity on and you can have it". Hope turned away from the door and sat back on the bed "Your not going to starve me Josie, you love me to much". Josie nodded "Your right, I do love you". 

Josie turned and walked towards the steps before shortly returning with a cup filled with blood "Seeing as we might be here a while I figure 3 cups of blood a day should be enough to sustain you without you desiccating, Here". Josie slid the cup through the cell door and Hope was quick to grab it and drink it. "Your next one is at 9pm". Hope turned and slid the cup back through the bars "Thanks, now leave". Lizzie turned and left but Josie instead chose to sit and lean against the wall "Why do you insist on staying Josie?" Josie just shrugged as she spoke "Because If I leave, I have to face our friends. And they all keep questioning me about you and I don't know what to tell them". Hope stood up and walked to the bars sitting down on the floor as close as she could get to Josie "You could just tell them you have me locked up". Josie sighed looking at Hope "Please turn your humanity back on. I just want to be with you". Hope was silent for a second before talking back "Or you could turn yours off and we could take over mystic falls. We would be queens. Imagine the power, you wouldn't have to fight your guilt and anger everyday, you could eat whoever you wanted, No more blood bags. Warm blood from the veins". Josie shook her head "I refuse to become a monster, just because of what I am. I don't care about power, I don't care about blood bags. I care about you". Hope was silent once again before standing up. "If you remove the spell keeping me in this cage. I will switch my humanity back on". Josie stood up "How do I know your telling the truth?" Hope smiled walking closer to the bars "Because I love you Jo".

Josie took a deep breath and nodded as she stood and began reversing the spell. Once the spell had been removed Josie smiled at Hope "Your turn. I took down the barrier, now you hold up your end of the deal". Hope went silent a second before smirking "Yeah about that-". Within seconds Hope had kicked The door off its hinges and vamped towards Josie not giving her a chance to do anything before she snapped her neck. "I changed my mind". as soon as Josie Hit the floor, Hope vamped out of the cells and out of the Salvatore school. Josie was woken up by a panicked Lizzie shaking her violently "JO, JO, WAKE UP FOR GOD SAKE PLEASE". Josie sat up rubbing her neck "Ouch". Lizzie smiled before pulling her into a hug "What happened?" Josie felt tears begin to roll down her face as she pulled away and explained "Hope tricked me. She told me she loved me and said If I took the spell down she would turn her humanity back on. Instead she broke my neck and ran". Lizzie sighed pulling Josie back in "I'm sorry Jo. This is my fault, I should have trusted that she loved you regardless of the marks. I should have never forced you to speak to Finch". Josie just shrugged "It wasn't all you Lizzie, I should have known better than to start liking someone else". Lizzie nodded "Yeah, You should've". Josie pulled away Giggling a little before standing up "I need to go and find her, Let me take you back to your room first, Is Finch there?" Lizzie shrugged "I don't know where Finch is". Josie sighed worried "Well if she turns up in your room, don't let her leave". Lizzie nodded "Okay". 

Hosie: My life was better when you were in itWhere stories live. Discover now