Secrets revealed

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Josie woke up and the first thing she noticed was a sleeping Hope on the phone. Smiling she got up and began going through her stuff looking for some clothes. Pulling out a skirt and a blouse. Josie headed towards the bathroom before changing. Once she was dressed she packed the rest of her stuff away and checked the time. Smiling Josie saw she had plenty of time to drive back to mystic falls. Grabbing her bag and her phone, Josie took one last look at Hope before hanging up, sending her a message letting her know she was on her way back. Josie checked out then headed to her dads truck. Climing in she started the truck and put the radio on, before checking her surroundings and leaving.

Josie had been driving for Hours and had stopped once or twice for gas. She was about 2 hours from mystic falls now so she sent a text to Hope and whoever else had text her letting them know she would be stopping at the grill before coming back to the school. Once the texts were sent she once again started driving.

(Two hours later)

Josie pulled up at the grill and before she could even get out of the truck someone vamped up to the door opening it before pulling her into a hug. Josie was taken aback at first but melted into the embrace when she figured out it was Hope. "Have you been waiting here for me?" Hope pulled away and smiled "I've been here since you said you were 2 hours away. Where did you go Jo? Don't ever leave like that again". Josie smiled at Hope before climbing out the truck. "I said I was going to look for answers didn't I. Well I found some". Hope was surprised at this, she didn't think that Josie would be successful but it seemed that she had been. Once Josie was out of the truck Hope pulled her into a proper  hug before pulling away but keeping her hand firmly around Josie's waist, she then moved some hair out of Josie's eyes and stared at her for a second "I missed you JoJo". Josie felt her heart melt at the nickname and smiled. Just as she leaned in to kiss her Josie Heard another voice "Josette Saltzman, where the hell have you been? I've been worried about you for 4 days. Its ruined my sleep pattern and I'm pretty sure it ruined my complexion". Josie smiled letting go of Hope turning to the voice "Lizzie, Hi, I'm sorry that I went away. After our chat I needed more answers on mine and Hope's bond". Lizzie pulled her into a hug "I forgive you, Just never leave me again, If I have to deal with hope and Finch trying to kill each other for one more day I will go mad". Josie laughed and nodded "Noted".

Josie, Hope and Lizzie headed into the grill. Josie ordered some chips while Lizzie and Hope ordered a burger. After everyone had eaten Josie compelled the bartender to serve her and Lizzie some shots. Hope didn't fancy a drink and knew someone had to stay sober to get Lizzie Home so she just ordered herself a coke instead. After they had been served they sat at the bar talking between themselves. Hope had a few questions to ask Josie but had chose to ask her later. "So Josie, what are you going to do about your heartbroken puppy back at the school?" Josie sighed taking another shot before ordering another round "Honestly, Avoid her". Lizzie chuckled a little bit taking one of her shots "You can't just avoid her Jo, plus I feel responsible, If I hadn't have tried setting you both up at that party-" Lizzie was cut off by Hope "sorry what?". Lizzie took a deep breath "Erm, yeah about that, don't get mad but I saw Josie talking to Finch at the party, and she seemed really happy. So I maybe convinced her that you only loved her because of your soul mark. I honestly didn't think they would get together, but I was happy when I saw Josie happy and maybe didn't think".

Hope sat glued to her seat, Finch and Josie were together because of Lizzie telling Josie that she only loved her because of the soul mark. Hope felt anger coursing through her body. She had trusted Lizzie she thought they were finally getting along now everything that Hope had gone through except her addiction was because of Lizzie. Hope looked at Lizzie her eyes shining Gold. Josie noticed and quickly stood up just as Hope launched herself at Lizzie and grabbed Hope throwing her backwards in an attempt to protect her sister. Everyone in the grill ran out or to the sides of the room as Hope went flying into some tables.

Standing up she looked at Josie hurt flicking through her eyes "Did you just throw me across a room?" Josie nodded "Yeah I'm sorry, I forgot how strong I was Love. Please just calm down, I don't want to hurt you". Hope was overwhelmed with emotions and had finally reached her limit, all the emotions she had felt these past few months all the loss and the anger and the Jealousy, Hope didn't want to feel it anymore. Standing up straight with a grin on her face Hope decided to feel nothing. Rushing across the room she grabbed Josie Launching her over the bar before grabbing Lizzie around the neck. Josie was quick to her feet and saw Hope strangling Lizzie, Vamping over she grabbed Hope from behind and launched her into one of the windows in the grill causing it to shatter. By this time the grill was now completely empty. Josie quickly turned to Lizzie and Bit her wrist. "DRINK LIZZIE NOW!". Lizzie did as commanded before pulling away "Why did I just drink your blood?" Josie turned to Hope who was climbing to her feet "because if I can't protect you and she kills you at least you will come back, Now hide behind the bar and call dad".

Lizzie nodded and climbed over it Hiding as she dialed her fathers number. Hope was now up on her feet and vamped into Josie grabbing her neck and slamming her into the bar. Josie managed to just raise her hand as she began chanting and Hope fell to the floor Holding her head as she didn't get a chance to counter it with her own magic. After a few minutes Hope finally passed out, Josie  Run over to Lizzie and picked her up before running out of the grill and into the car park. She then put Lizzie down next to Alaric who had turned up. before running over to the grill and chanting "Apné sà mene". After she had finished Josie walked back over to her dad and Lizzie "What did you do?" Josie frowned as she explained "I used a minor boundary spell to seal the room. The spell erects an invisible barrier to prevent specified targets for example Hope, from leaving. It can also enable only certain people to enter". Alaric nodded "When did you learn that?" Josie shrugged "I'm pretty sure I read it somewhere or maybe I heard it from Freya". Alaric nodded "Okay how long will it last?" Josie  sighed "Until I take it down or someone aka Lizzie siphons it I think". Lizzie shook her head "I am not letting her out she's psychopathic". Josie looked at Lizzie, "she's just upset". Lizzie snorted in derision as she climbed in Alaric's truck "Call it what you want, she's mad". Josie shook her head and Looked at Alaric "Contact Freya let her Know we have a Hope situation, I'll stay here and keep an eye on her and make sure the spell stays enforced". Alaric nodded and Hugged Josie, thank you for protecting your sister". Josie smiled and nodded. "It's not a problem".

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