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Senku's POV 

As I continued to work on my latest report, documenting in detail each finding, I found myself glancing over to the desk calendar situated beside my key board. Circled was todays date, Gen would be leaving shortly for his new tour.  He would be gone for a month, what am I to do with a home made dinner by my favourite mentalist? 

I looked over my last paragraph, taking note of a number of grammatical errors and decided, I think it's time for a break. I saved my work, leaving the errors until I have more motivation to correct them. I uncrossed my legs, moving to sit more comfortably and placing my slippers on when my phone began to vibrate. 

I raise a brow reaching over seeing it was a picture message from Gen. Truly is a mentalist, knowing when I'm thinking about him. I swiped open the message, feeling my face heat up. Reading the caption I gulped, 'My look for near the beach.' He was in small shorts and a very loose fitting tank top. I licked my lips, taking note of his milky white skin on show. 

I bit my lip, I'm sure a moan escaping my lips. Damn pubescent hormones. I am the spokesperson of saying how illogical feelings of love and lust are and yet here is the the very definition of lust in picture form in my hands. 

After a debate with myself I hit my forehead with my phone, getting any of these stupid ideals out my head. I locked my phone, throwing it to my bed as I ran off to  the kitchen in need of a drink in this warm weather. Might need to also put the air conditioning on as well. I walked to the fridge, reaching towards the back and pulling out a cola. I tend to have an abundance of these in as it's Gen's favourite drink. It is the least I can do as he regularly cooks me meals. I grabbed the near by bottle opener, cracking open the drink as if it were a bottle of alcohol and quickly taking large gulps.  

After a few gulps, I left out a satisfied sigh. Much better. I let out a hum as I heard the door bell. Who in the world is that? I placed my cola on the counter going to answer the door. I looked through the peep hole, seeing Gen the other side and quickly whipped the door open, wanting to see his outfit in person and as I saw him, my face dropped. He was wearing skinny jeans and a baggy jumpy, perfect for travel. His suitcase was beside him, looking like it was full to the brim.

I am thoroughly disappointed and have realised, I am being teased.  I smirked, oh this is the game Gen wants, alright I'll play along. "I just wanted to come over and say I'm leaving, Senku-Chan," Gen smiled brightly, a hint of satisfaction in his expressions knowing I was disappointed in his attire. "Don't be too lonely without me."

I licked my lips, I know how to make this interesting. "Perhaps I need a little souvenir to remember you by," I said in a low tone, not breaking eye contact. 

"And what could that possibly be?" Gen asked innocently, pouting. 

I leant in close, our lips a mere millimetres away from each other. "How about a goodbye kiss?" 

He flustered, his face as red as a tomato. This victory is mine today. I watched him struggle with himself internally. Momentarily our eye contact broke and a pair of lips were on my cheek. I let out a tut, okay, he got me there.

"See you in a month," Gen's voice was playful as our eyes met again. "My dear Senku." 

With that. he grabbed his suitcase and was gone. I sighed, crossing my arms and leaning against the door frame, watching as he left. I smiled, moving a hand to the place he kissed. Damnit mentalist, you truly know how to get in my head.


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