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Senku's POV 

As a man of science, social media is something I would usually stay away from but logging in once in a while isn't so bad. Especially when I can see the escaped of one Asagiri Gen. He's had a couple of promotional photoshoots and let's say they took advantage of the summer scenery. They certainly know how to dress up Gen to promote themselves as a swimsuit brand as most of the comments from what I can see are certainly from woman. I clicked my tongue closing the app as continuing to see the attention Gen is receiving from someone not myself is infuriating. He's become less of a magic act and more of an idol act.

Not that I completely mind as I do get these to admire Gen is outfits and poses I normal wouldn't see. I wonder what Gen would wear on a date. I groaned, grubbing my forehead. When did I start looking at him this way? Was it when we made that promise? Was it when I entered high school? Maybe I have always felt this way? One more week before he returns and with summer vacation looming, I would certainly like  the opportunity to have him to myself. 

Logically, I need to look at the most intriguing date for Gen. With his current rise in popularity, i would need a secluded idea in which he wouldn't be hassled. I would like him to be comfortable and without a worry of being bothered by standers by. A movie would be dark enough he couldn't get noticed, creates a mood in which I could physically get closer and also cool with air conditioning too. 

I snapped b fingers, pleased with my idea. I know Gen is a fan of comedy but a horror movie scares him and would pry him to the idea of clinging to me. Alright, a horror movie it is. I started to type away on my laptop, looking for times on the following day of his return. Mid morning times are the best idea, you can buy light snacks and if the date goes well, then there's still room for lunch to which could be back in the apartment. Or even a small café on the outside of town. 

This idea is ten billion percent chanced to work. Gen will be all over me if I do this. I jumped, seeing a sudden call notification pop up on the corner of my screen. I smirked, seeing Gen's name and immediately pressing accept. Time to tease him some more. My heart skipped a bit, seeing Gen's messing hair as he waved to me. "Senku Chan," He chimed, "Missing me are we? You answered awfully quick." 

Damnit it! He's right, I would usually toy with him a little longer and keep him waiting. I laughed a little. "Why, this merely fills dead air while I work on my latest experiment," I said, watching him puff his cheeks out. 

"And what is this experiment?" He asked. 

"I don't think I'll say for now," I laughed, annoying him more. "Say i was thinking," I saw his expression change to a curious one. "When was the last time we spent time together? Outside of this apartment."

"I would say it's certainly been a while," Gen answered honestly with a soft smile. "Why don't we go out the day after I return?" 

Kuku, now this is his idea. I'm making him want to spend time with my by suggesting we hang out. "If you insist," I say his face fluster. Got him. Seems my little plan will work and Gen will be hanging over me in no time.  

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