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Senku POV

I cracked my neck, glad to have finally finished putting together my latest rocket. I smirked, pleased with my work and just in time for summer too. With summer now here, logically more pop-up amusements for teens and young couples would come in a dozen. The one thing I can't narrow down which outing would be appropriate to take Gen out.

The ideal outing that would have to get my perfect desired results. One where Gen would become putty in my hands. Who would have thought a man of science as myself, caring so much about trivial stuff such as the ideal 'date'. "Did you hear about the summer fare that's opened up by the lake?" One of the science club members beamed. Summer fare? Intriguing, kukuku. "It starts this Saturday. I'm hoping Hiro offers to take me."

As the members continued to bicker, I had decided to grab my phone, googling the location and the dates. Indeed, they were correct. My smirk never faded as I made my way back to my apartment, as well as an idea of the ideal outing, today is the day Gen returns. I entered the apartment, throwing down the mail I had gathered from the box and throwing it down on the counter.

I am still curious as to why mail can be sent when email exists, though I suppose older humans who yet to grasp technology are the reasons for paper still being needed. As I went to turn my head, something bright caught my attention. I raised a brow, seeing it was a postcard? I grabbed it, turning it over and seeing the sender. Gen? Since when did he rely on snail mail. The only thing I can think of is limited communication and busy scheduled but even so, there has been times we haven't spoken for long period of time and there was not a need for such a thing.

I read the message and all I felt was disappointment as I thought back to Gen's declaration.

"When I grow up," A young Gen held his arms wide open, cards falling out of his sleeves. "I'm going to be super famous."

I simply laughed, twisting the pink in my ear, "Oh yeah?" I mocked. "I could literally see the cards up your sleeves."

He stuck his tongue out. "You'll see," He exclaimed, his eyes squinting tightly. "I'll be so popular, everyone will want my autograph and everyone will love me!"

"Well, just don't forget about me when you make it big," I said. "Afterall, you have to keep our promise remember?"

"Maybe, you really are forgetting about our promise," I said out loud to myself.

I re-read the words from Gen again and again. The most notable words, 'see you in a few months.' There goes my ideal summer date.  

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