Ch. 01

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Ariana's P.O.V

"Ari get off your phone and get us to our destination please" my sister Shirley said as i looked texted my best friend Dream, letting her know that we were on the way to her crib

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"Ari get off your phone and get us to our destination please" my sister Shirley said as i looked texted my best friend Dream, letting her know that we were on the way to her crib.

I sucked my teeth and put my phone down taking a turn onto Dream's street. I pulled up to her driveway and parked next to her car, I turned the car off and grabbed my phone and purse while getting out the car. Shirley got out and I locked the doors walking up to Dream's house. Shirley banged on her door and I looked at her like she was crazy.

"Bitch why you banging on her door like you're the cops" I asked while smacking the side of her head.

"I gotta pee Ari! Keep your damn hands to yourself asshole" Shirley said while rubbing the side of her head, Dream swung the door open with a knife in her hand.

"Y'all bitches almost got fucking cut" She said while stepping to the side letting us in after we walked inside she closed and locked the door, Shirley ran upstairs to her bathroom and I gave Dream a hug and she smacked my ass hard asf , I mugged her and grabbed her hand walking to her kitchen.

"Ari i'm so ready to open the boutique/ salon. I'm tired of working for other people" Dream said rolling her eyes and I laughed while agreeing with her. We worked at a club called Club Dynasty, we were both bottle girls. It's fun and all but i'm ready to work for myself and not have to answer to anybody.

"Give it a few more days and 'Ari & Dream's Palace' will be opened soon. But did you get a dm from your bestie Alexis about her bday party?" I said rolling my eyes. Alexis used to be best friends with me and Dream until she did some grimy shit that I don't wanna speak about right now.

"Bitch yes we should go and stunt on her hoe ass. You heard she tried to pin a baby on Dave but it wasn't his?" She asked & I caught chills when she mentioned Dave's name. I got so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear Dream calling my name.

"Ariana Marie Fletcher, bitch did you hear what I said?" She asked while looking at me with a concerned face.

"Alright Tabitha no need for the government & no I didn't. What did you say?" I asked and looked at Shirley who finally came from the bathroom.

"I said Dave and Chris are throwing are party for their grand opening of their own tattoo shop on Saturday. We should go check it out" I shook my head and waved her off.

"Bitch no I don't wanna see Dave's trifling ass. Y'all can go I rather stay home and catch up on Good Girls" I said while walking to the refrigerator and grabbing a water bottle taking the cap off and sipping from it.

"You're gonna have to face his ass one day Ari" Shirley said looking at me with a sad face. I sighed and put the cap back on the water bottle and leaned against the counter.

"Can we talk about something else? Where's Alyssa at?" I asked Dream and she told us she was at her boyfriends house.

For majority of the day we came up with business plans and started budgeting so we can order everything we needed for our boutique/salon.

"Y'all should have a full body mirror so your clients can take pictures and you can put it on your business page" Shirley said and I nodded already having that on the list of things we need to buy.

"Look at my baby daddy" Dream said while looking at her phone, I snatched her phone and saw a picture of Chris.

"Can y'all just get together already?" I said while handing her, her phone back. Chris, Dream, Dave and I have known each other for 8 years and Dream's always had a crush on Chris. We used to be a lil crew until some shit happened which caused us to separate ourselves from the boys.

"I fucking wish but all these bitches be on his dick and I don't have time to fight over a nigga that's not mine" She said and I agreed with her.

For the rest of the day we stayed at Dream's house and watched Good Girls until we knocked out in her living room.

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