Oh Hello Happiness, I'm Not Available At The Moment. [9]

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Brianna's POV.

When Drake stepped inside Jack's office, the first thing I noticed was the smell. The room smelt like dry blood and dirty socks! Yuck. It was SO overwhelming, I felt like I was going to puke. The fact that this room smelt so horrid was beginning to scare me a little bit. I had no doubt he's had sex in this room, but did it have to smell weird? That's when you need to learn to take a break. Glancing around the room, looking over Drake's wonderful biceps, I saw there was only a mattress and a teeny little desk with only one drawer. Ugh, this is so gross. Why can't people at least have some OTHER office, instead of their...bedrooms. I shivered at the thought that my mother could've been in here. She's probably had sex with all the guys in town, so it wouldn't surprise me if I were to learn that my insight was true.

While I concentrated on my dirty thoughts, Drake led me over to Jack's "office" chair and sat me down. He seemed a little cautious when he was slipping me out of his arms. Seriously? I'm not THAT hurt. Gosh, I'm used to the pain. It's like he thinks I'm some sort of baby. What the hell is his problem? Does he have ANY idea what I've been through? Does he even get that I probably have the WORST LIFE in the history of worst lives? Didn't think so. But, then again, he's probably worried about me. I mean, I did almost get raped. I shuttered, trying NOT to remember whoever that guy was that was only my body...and...well, you know the details. I sighed, looking up at Drake's smooth face. His expression was still terrified and worried. Drake frowned, staring at the huge blood stain at my shirt.

I rolled my eyes. "Drake, seriously, I'm fine. This isn't the first time I've been cut, I'm okay." I assured him, a little annoyed.

He cleared his throat. "Uh, I really didn't need to know that."

"Why not?" I questioned his negativity. Why is that a bad thing to know? Ugh, he's so weird.

"I feel guilty that I didn't stay with you at all times. I should've known better." He nodded, staring at the ground.

"Stop saying that, It wasn't your fau-"

"Yes, it was his fault." Jack spoke up, putting his hand on Drake's shoulder.

Wow, I forgot all about Jack; I was focusing on the smell and Drake's guilt. I stared at Jack's face, trying to connect my old memories of him with the new. His face formed more wrinkles, his gray streaks of hair turned into a whole HEAD of gray, and his skin looked a little bit yellow. Haha, don't ever do drugs.

I faked a smile like I always do when I'm upset. "No, it really wasn't. I chose to stay, sir."

Jack glared at me for about 10 seconds. His eyes pierced into mine and mine pierced into his. Two can play at this game. He lifted one eyebrow and twitched the corners of his mouth, showing a little bit of brown in his teeth. I tried not to show my disgust and lifted one eyebrow right back.

Suddenly, Jack's frown turned into laughter. "She's too funny! I like her, keep her around."

My cheeks flushed red, glancing at Drake for help. Drake laughed with Jack and winked.

I faked a laugh. "Uh, okay..if you say so."

Jack shook his head. "Nah, it really was Drake's fault though. A woman should never have that kind of weight put on her. Isn't that right, son?"

Drake nodded, his smile slightly fading and lowered his head to the ground.

Jack laughed at Drake's embarrasement. "Don't feel bad, son. Everyone makes mistakes. Hell, I'm the king of mistakes!"

Jack laughed at his own joke, while he walked over to his drawer. He pushed my chair a little bit, causing my cut to ache. I took a deep breath and tried to avoid any horrible thoughts that were popping up into my brain. You see, when you're used to pain, you learn to deal with it a lot easier then people who haven't ever been hurt. My way of dealing with it, is to NOT think about it. It works 70% percent of the time. That's pretty good...right? Jack gave an apologectic look and opened his drawer. I glanced over his shoulder to see what was in there. Oh my gosh, his ONE drawer is JUST filled with condoms? I gagged, pushing the thought of him and my mother together. Ugh ew, ew, EW!

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