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When we got to Granny's, I was so starving. I hadn't eaten anything since last nights awkward dinner. And then I didn't eat much either. We walked in the door and the familiar ring of the bell sounded.
"Well hello, Emma." Granny said hi to me and glared at Hook. Hook smiled and nodded at her but she just went back to her bookkeeping. I gave Hook a comforting smile and sat down in a booth when Ruby skipped over.
"Hi! What can I get for you today?" She was smiling at me and Hook both. I appreciated her love for everyone.
"I'll have the turkey and cheese sandwich, a bowl of chicken noodle soup, hot cocoa, a caeser salad, and I'll try a cup of your soup of the day." I smiled and blushed, ordering that much food. Hook snorted and Ruby grinned.
"And for the handsome pirate?" Hook took his turn blushing and ordered a burger with fries and iced tea.
"That's all your getting?" I asked him. I knew he wanted more.
"I'm fine, love." He smiled at me and I handed the menus back to Ruby. It's not like we used the menus, we have memorized everything on it.
"I'll share my buffet with you. All my food. I'm starving! Aren't you?" He had to be starving.
"A little I guess, but the burger will fill me up." He held my hand under the table. When our food came, he took his time eating his burger so i wouldn't be the only one eating. He was so considerate. After I finished my food, which it surprisingly didn't take that long, we paid for it and exited Granny's. We were just walking on the sidewalk, talking and holding hands when David appeared around the corner up ahead. I shoved Hook over and we went flying into the alley behind Granny's.
"What the?" I was on top of Hook on the ground, "You couldn't even wait 'til tonight, love?" I pressed my finger to his lips, quieting him. He hadn't seen David. I heard footsteps drawing nearer. It was two sets, Snow and David. Thanks a lot Snow, I thought. We quietly stood up and he finally understood what was happening.
"Wait, Snow did you hear that?" The footsteps stopped for a moment and proceeded to come way too close for comfort. He yelled down the alley as Hook and I hid behind a dilapidated car. The alley led to a fence that wasn't that tall. My hand slipped off the car and hit the rocks.
"I know you're there! Come out or I'll come in for you!" David started walking towards the car. I looked at Hook then the fence and he shook his head. I deviously smiled and jumped up.
"Run!" I ran towards the fence and David called after me, figuring out it was me. Hook looked hesitant, but followed. We jumped over the fence no problem and I heard Snow cheering for us. David ran after us, well, Hook primarily.
"Emma... do you even know... how bad this is... for me?" Hook was running and talking beside me.
"He's going to kill me." I looked back to see David still on our tail.
"Shit! Why won't he go away? You'll be fine. I wouldn't ever let him do that." We turned a corner and we were finally putting some distance in between us. The pawn shop was up ahead and Belle was sitting on the bench reading. She saw us coming and looked immensely confused.
"Can we borrow the pawn shop for a minute!?" I shouted just loud enough for her to hear it. She opened the door before we got there and we ran inside.
"I got your back Emma." She smiled and closed the door, sitting back down on the bench to read.

We ran into Belle's shop and Emma started laughing while I was trying to breathe.
"Goodness Swan. No high speed chases for me." I was trying to regain my breath. I saw Charming run around the corner.
"Belle, did you see Emma and Hook run this way?" Charming was out of breath too.
"I think they went that way. I was just reading." She smiled at him and he took off towards the direction she pointed. Soon after, Snow came around the corner with Neil in a stroller.
"Hi Belle! I know you are harboring them in your shop." Belle drained of color.
"Thank you for it. He is so stubborn." Snow sat down next to Belle and they delved into a conversation about the book she was reading. After a minute or two, Emma and I regained our breaths and walked outside cautiously.
"Oh your fine, he won't stop til he finds you, and he's going the wrong way. Go wherever you need to go. I'll cover for you tonight Emma. I'm assuming I'll need to cover for you." She looked at Emma and I and giggled.
"You two are so cute together!" I blushed, and so did Emma.

"Do we actually have plans tonight?"  I looked over at Emma who was smiling up at me.  She looked like someone had stabbed her when I asked her that.

"I'm just joking with you, Swan.  I've been waiting for this moment all of today."  Then I whispered close to her ear, "I would never forget anything to do with you."  With that, I kissed her on the forehead and we walked out of Belle's shop together.

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