We walked down the Storybrooke street, under the dull lamp lights. Killian was holding me, and I was holding him back. The night was extra starry, and the air was the perfect temperature.
"So where are you thinking of going?" Killian said. I hadn't actually shared any of my plans with him. Not that I had a good plan.
"Well, I just wanted to get out of there. Since it's such a nice night, we should go to the beach. But we have to watch out for those darn muggers." I laughed as I said it. I pulled a blanket out of my coat.
"I brought a blanket." Killian's face was priceless. I giggled and he leaned down and kissed my forehead.The beach was amazing. The wind was minimal, so no sand was blowing everywhere. The sand was soft under my feet and the moon was lighting our path. The waves crashed against eachother, sounding of a perfect summer. I laid the blanket down away from the water. I sat down and proceeded to pull a few candles out of my jacket. Pickpocketing with Neal had given me some great stuffing skills. Killian looked amazed at everything I could pull out of my jacket. I smiled as I lit them with my magic. The flames were red, as I wanted them to be. Killian sat down next to me. We started kissing. I was half laughing, half kissing.
"Swan, it's hard to kiss you when your laughing. Mostly because you make me have to laugh." So then we were mostly laughing and part kissing. He slid his hand up the back of my shirt and I tingled with the touch of him. He had taken his hook off so he didn't stab me or anything. I didn't mind that he had a hook. Most people would turn away from him for it, but I knew it wasn't his fault. It also made him a lot more bad ass. We stopped laughing and just kissed. It was passionate and I loved every second of it. My intentions of the beach had been very clear. Nobody really used the beach in the daytime let alone at midnight. He unhooked my bra with one hand, which had always amazed me how he did it. I took his jacket off of him. I had worn a skirt, because I knew skinny jeans would've been harder to take off. He started to pull off my skirt.
"Whoa, whoa. That is totally unfair, you are wearing so many more clothes than me." I said. It was true, I had taken my jacket off already and he had many more layers than me.
"Would you care to help me take some off, Swan?" I smiled deviously.
"I know you have troubles with those kind of things. Why don't I just do it all?"
"It is quite a struggle with one hand and all. It would be a big help." We were so close together that we only had to whisper for eachother to hear it. I took his shirt off and he fell backwards as I was doing it.
"Swan, you're worse than me at it." I laid on him and started unbuckling his pants. Unlike me, he had worn skinny jeans and it was a lot more difficult to take them off than my skirt. He didn't know I was going to take him here, so it wasn't his fault. Besides, I got to touch him more. Soon, all I had on was my shirt and underwear and he had his under wear on. We were on top of each other.

Stay With Me
RandomEmma and Killian are together in the perfect fantasy world we all wish would happen, but some outside forces affect their relationship, will they stay together? {Okay this used to just be titled "Captain Swan!!!", but that is lame and boring. So n...