Sick of the Morning

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Henry sat on the swings eating a bagel sandwich. I was holding a warm coffee in my hands. Killian was close to me, without coffee. He didn't drink the "black oil" as he called it.

"Do you want a sip?" I offered him my coffee because I loved his reaction.

"God no, Swan! That is like oil and tar going down my throat like acid!" I giggled and snuggled up against him. The breeze was a bit chilling. He put his arm around me and I rested my head on his shoulder. I put my hand out in front if me, admiring the beautiful ring.

"You have a good sense of style. You know what a girl wants." He held my hand with his warm and smooth ones. Henry jumped off the swing then.

"Do you have my hot chocolate in the bag?" I looked in and grabbed it, handing it to him.

"Tell me if you get cold, kid. I don't want you to get sick. Regina would kill me for letting you get sick." Henry nodded.

"We can leave in a few minutes." He returned to the swings.

"We should have a garden, Emma. It should be of all beans. Because I met you on the beanstalk." I smiled at his remark.

"Hmmm. It could also have tomatoes. Because that Tomato Bruschetta last night was amazing." He laughed.

"Yes it was." I leaned over and kissed him. It was quick, but still got the point across; I love you. He slid his hand around my shoulders.

"Hey, did you eat anything?" I hadn't seen him eat any of the breakfast.

"Nah, I'm okay." I frowned.

"You have to eat something. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day." I pulled out the last sandwich. I had already had one. I unwrapped it for him. He went to move his arm off of me so he could grab it.

"No. I'm cold, keep your arm there." I brought the sandwich to his mouth.

"You're going to feed me? I feel like a two year old, Swan." I laughed yet again. He opened his mouth, gesturing that he would let me. At one point, I was laughing and missed his mouth, smearing cheese sauce all over his face.

"Swan! You are terrible at finding my mouth!" I kissed him.

"Found it." He looked down at me and smiled. I handed him a napkin and he wiped his face off. Henry returned after we were done.

"So, kid, what else do you want to do today?" I grabbed the bag and stood up. Now, it was full of trash instead of our food.

"Well there was this one book I wanted from the library. Could we go find it today?" I nodded.

"Of course, what is it called?" I was glad that he loved reading so much.

"Well, it's a classic, but I thought it sounded good. It's called Tom Sawyer." I did know that book.

"Oh that's a great one! I read it in one of my fos-" I paused. It was embarrassing talking about my foster homes, "I just read it somewhere. I don't remember where though." I smiled, hinting that I was done talking about it.  They didn't push me.

"We can come to the library with you, I'll talk to Belle.  She might need someone to talk to right now."  We walked in the direction of the library. 


The bell rang as the smell of dusty books filled my nose.  Sunlight shined through the windows in various places.  Belle was behind the desk reading something.

"Oh, hey guys."  She flipped her book shut once she saw us.

"Hey Belle.  Henry was looking for a book."  He nodded in agreement to my statement.

"Tom Sawyer.  I heard it was a good classic.  I figured you would have it."  She smiled.

"Indeed I do."  She started walking to a section of the library, Henry following.

"So... What do you want to do tonight?"  I pressed Killian against the wall.  We were out of sight from Belle and Henry.

"I... I have a pretty good idea of what I want to do, Swan."  He kissed me and I giggled.

"Oh.  That was easily found."  I heard their footsteps coming back towards the front desk and quickly let go of Killian.

"My machine isn't working.  I'll just have to check it out to you the old-fashioned way.  Personally, I like that way better.  But that's just me."  She started writing down the serial number of the book and the title and author.  Henry watched her.  Killian and I had a silent conversation using facial expressions.  The bell rang and Will Scarlet, the thief, walked in.

"Oh, hello mate!"  He slapped Killian on the back.  Killian looked about a centimeter away from slapping Will's face off.  I laughed and nodded to him.  He walked and stood next to Belle.

"Are you all good Henry?"  He nodded and we walked out of the shop.  We went home, because I knew Henry would want to read his recently obtained book.  He sat on the couch reading.  Killian and I were in the bedroom.  I had my laptop out and Killian was watching the modern technology, fascinated by it.  I got a wave of dizziness. 

"Emma?  Are you alright, love?"  The wave of dizziness passed.

"Yeah, I just need to eat something."  I walked to the kitchen and made a sandwich, placing it on a glass plate and walking to the bedroom.  Halfway to the bedroom, the dizziness returned and I collapsed.  I remember feeling a shooting pain and hearing my name shouted by Killian.

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