I'm Not Allowed To Take a Jacket

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I nervously played with one of my strands of hair, sucking in an anxious breath. "Hey, Beej. So, Maddi and I had a change of plans, and I didn't know if you maybe wanted to come to a concert with us?"

"Really?" he asked, his voice perking up.

"Yeah," I responded, smiling a small smile at how happy he sounded.

Although, I guess if this was the first social event I had been invited to in a few centuries, I'd be ecstatic, too.

"That sounds super fun. What time?"

I smiled and looked down at my feet. "We're about to leave in about twenty minutes. Make sure to look alive," I said jokingly, laughing a bit.

I could hear his smile. "Will-do, Toots. Meet you at your place in a bit."

"See you then!"



I pressed the "end call" button, and turned back to Maddi and Adler, who were both smiling at me. Well, Maddi's was more of a smirk than a smile. My brow furrowed as I looked at them.


"You're so eaten up," said Adler, grinning and shaking his head at me.

"I am not!" was my weak reply.

Because, if I was being honest, the more I thought about the prospect of Beej and I becoming something more had me all giddy inside. Which annoyed me, but you know, here we were.

"Oh, I think you are," Maddi said to me, grabbing her purse and making sure she had all her belongings inside of it.

I went to my room to grab my own bag and a jacket in case it got nippy. Maddi spotted me with it and snatched it from me.

"Hey, what the heck?"

"You can't take a jacket! Jesus, do you not know anything about romance 101?"

I stared at her in confusion. "The heck are you on about?"

She rolled her eyes and sighed as she laid my jacket over her arm and smoothed it out. "You can't bring a jacket. Because then he can't offer you his when you get cold."

I felt a blush rise to my face as I considered my friend and her valid point that she was making. "Maddison, I'm not going to make him give me his jacket when I have a perfectly good one-"

Adler held up a hand. "(Y/N), trust me, if he's anything like me, he'll love it. It makes us feel good."

Maddi nodded. "It's also a good excuse to steal their clothes," she said, smiling and winking at me.

Adler crossed his arms as he gave her a playful look. "And I suppose going broke from replacing clothing is just a part of the boyfriend code, then?"

She pecked him on the cheek. "Yup!"

I laughed and shook my head, taking the jacket back from Maddi and looking down at it for a moment.

"Okay, fine. I'll leave it." I looked up at my two friends. "But I swear, if this makes things more awkward than they already are, I'm blaming you two."

Adler smiled at me. "I will gladly take part of that responsibility." His girlfriend nodded her head in agreement.

I sighed in defeat before turning and hanging the jacket back up in my closet, thinking about how just a few hours earlier I was standing in this same position, lamenting possibly never finding love and having no luck in finding something to wear. And here I was now, hopeful at the prospect that I could finally have that deep connection with someone that I so craved, and all while wearing an outfit that not only matched my taste, but also made me feel confident.

A small smile played on my lips as I hung the jacket on the rack.

Tonight was going to be the start of something new. I could feel it.


I paced my room, feeling more and more nervous as the minutes slowly slipped by.

"Hey, relax. You look great, and we're all gonna have a really great time," my "matchmaker" tried to reassure me, laying a hand on my shoulder to get me to stop pacing the room. She hated when I did that.

I sighed, looking down at my hands. "What if he doesn't like the band? What if things don't go the way that we were planning? What if we misread him completely and he doesn't have feelings for me? Heck, what if he doesn't even like this 'new me'?" I rambled, becoming more panicked with each successive sentence.

"Slow down," she told me, laughing a bit. "Just breathe."

I worked on slowing my breathing and focused on being calm, telling myself that it was going to be okay, and that I would be fine.

I didn't have any more time to process all my feelings, however, because at that moment I saw the green smoke from Beetlejuice's arrival. I sucked in an extremely nervous breath before I made my way to the living room, where Adler was nervously introducing himself. He was obviously a little shaken from seeing a whole man just appear out of thin air. After the initial shock wore off, though, they were laughing and having a good time. I walked into the room and saw that Beej had pulled out all the stops again, his skin looking less pale like last time, his hair, once again, a more full brown with his electric green tips, but this time he was wearing a Rolling Stones t-shirt with jeans and a brown leather jacket. All in all, he looked really nice.

He heard me come into the room and turned, his expression going slack as he looked at me. I fiddled with my hands self-consciously, staring at my shoes.

"Wow. You look really good."

I looked up at him, smiling. "Thanks, you too."

Maddi was glancing between us before she grabbed her purse, smiling. "Alright, well I'm ready to go to a concert!"

Adler whooped and followed her as they made their way out of the door. I laughed and followed, Beetlejuice behind me. We stepped out of the house and I locked the door, turning to find Maddison already hopping into the driver's seat. Adler got into the passenger seat, which left the backseat to my demon friend and me. I got in behind Adler's seat, and Beej got in on the other.

We buckled up, and we were on our way to see Carver Commodore live in concert.


Hey, guys! I sincerely apologize for such a long hiatus from updating this story, I just really didn't have a lot of inspiration as far as where I wanted the story to go from the previous chapter, but luckily, I figured it out! I'm so excited to start updating this regularly again (hopefully) but please bear in mind that my schedule is absolutely bat ish crazy right now, and I'm positively drowning in homework 💀. I promise I'll try my best to keep the updates pretty regular, but just know that if I do not, that is the reason why.

Anyway, I wanna thank you guys so much for sticking around and waiting for the update, it really means a lot to me that you care enough to wait this long. Literally couldn't stay inspired without readers like you 😊.

Thanks again, you guys, and I hope you have a fantastic Tuesday!

Ciao, bellas!

~Smol Emo

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