First And Last Day At A New School

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Percy, Thalia, and Grover were riding in Sally's car as she took them to a school where they would pretend to be students and get a new demigod. It was Friday. They arrived and got out of the car.

"So, you two are the new kids?" Grover asked, acting.

They nodded. Grover smiled and showed them inside.

A woman came out. Her voice was stern and demanding. "Grover. Are these the new kids?"

"Yes ma'am." You could tell he was scared of her because it came out as a beat.

She gave them their schedules. They went to their first class which they had together; their classes were all the same. Grover walked over and hugged a girl with brown hair just like him, except hers was longer, once they got in a class. "Mr. Underwood! You are late," the teacher said. She had brown hair that was put in a bun atop her head and blue eyes.

"Yes, Mrs. L. I had to get the new students." Mrs. L nodded to him. They sat down. "So, which one is it?" Grover asked the girl he hugged. Thalia and Percy were watching the brown eyed girl too.

She nodded to a girl who was sitting in the back with a sketchbook in front of her. She was doodling. The girl had redish auburn hair and dull blue eyes. She had on a pair of blue jeans, a green shirt with brown designs on it, and brown shoes. She was wearing a necklace with a single diamond.

The class ended and Percy, Thalia, and Grover were late out of the classroom. When they walked out into the hallway, they saw the doodler standing in front of the girl Grover hugged. She said something to a boy who was in front of her. The boy leaned forward and said something. The doodler punched him in the jaw.

The girls walked to the cafeteria and Percy, Thalia, and Grover walked in and caught up with them.

"Hi. I'm Percy." Percy said.

Thalia elbowed him. "Way to blurt it out, Kelp Head."

The girl who Grover hugged faced them. "I'm Gabriella, Grover's sister." Percy looked questioning at Grover. "And this is Elizabeth."

Elizabeth gave a small wave before returning to her sketchbook. Some of her auburn hair got in her face. She didn't move it.

"Elizabeth, do you want to go to the park or something after school?" Gabriella asked.

Elizabeth looked at them. Then, she started thinking. She shrugged. They noticed she might have ADHD and if she did, it made her twitch her leg. ____________________________________________________________________

After school, Percy, Thalia, and Grover were taking with Gabriella, wondering who Elizabeth's mom is. They saw Elizabeth herself sitting on a tree branch sketching something. A bird landed on her shoulder, and she rubbed it's chest with the middle of her index finger.

"Hey. How are you doing that?" Percy asked. The bird got scared and flew away.

Elizabeth shrugged. Gabriella walked over to Elizabeth and sat below to her.

"So, the dance is coming up..." Percy began. Elizabeth nodded telling him to continue. "And... I don't know how to dance."

Thalia snorted at him.

"Well that's okay because Elizabeth here does know how to dance. Maybe she could teach you," Gabriella announced. "Will you teach them?" They looked at Elizabeth who solely nodded. ____________________________________________________________________

They arrived at Elizabeth's house. A man walked down the stairs and smiled. He had strawberry red hair and brown eyes. He hugged Elizabeth. "So, how was school today?" he asked. Elizabeth gave him a thumbs up. She got up on her tippy toes and whispered in his ear. He gave them a nod. "If you can move the furniture, you can dance in the living room." He went back upstairs.

They moved the furniture and Elizabeth had the guys doing what she was doing. She had on hand up as if holding the girl's hand and another mimicking holding their waist. She stepped backwards and then back forward with her right foot. She showed them the other movements too.

Then, Elizabeth showed Thalia and Gabriella the girl's moves. She had one hand in the air to mimic holding a boys hand. And one as if on the boy's shoulder. She showed them the footing.

Then, Elizabeth paired them up. Gabriella didn't want to dance and that was fine. Thalia with Percy and Grover with herself. Thalia and Percy didn't want to dance together and Grover agreed. They switched. Elizabeth with Percy and Grover with Thalia.

They danced until their feet hurt. The man who Elizabeth hugged earlier came down. "It's time for dinner! Oh and you guys can stay the night. After all there isn't any school tomorrow," he said, licking his lips.

All through dinner he stayed quiet and Elizabeth looked confused. Eyebrows creased, and eyes narrowing.

Percy stood up along with Thalia, Gabriella, and Grover. "Do you have a fireplace?" Percy asked. Elizabeth nodded. "Can you light it?"

Elizabeth nodded again and stood up. She put her plate in the sink and started to do the dishes. "Oh no. Let me do it," a feminine voice said. A woman with brown hair and brown eyes that almost looked golden came out. She took the dishes from Elizabeth. "Go and start a fire for your friends."

Elizabeth eyed her, but obeyed. She went into the living room.

Thalia followed after her. "What's wrong?" she asked.

Elizabeth grabbed a piece of paper and wrote. Their not normally like this. It's like they are totally different people. She struck a flame and handed Thalia the paper.

Thalia got wide-eyed and went to Percy, Gabriella, and Grover. She pinched then and they followed her into a hallway. "I think her parents are monsters. Elizabeth said -well, wrote- that their not like that and that their acting totally different."

Right after Thalia said that, Elizabeth screamed. They went and saw Elizabeth's parents facing Elizabeth. They were getting paler, their lips were getting redder, and their eyes were going gold. The one that used to be the father lunged at Elizabeth. The one that used to be the mother lunged at the other demigods.

Elizabeth grabbed a vase and smashed it on his head. She ran fire the door, but he grabbed her. He pulled her close and she got wide-eyed while she gasped. His claws were lodged in her stomach. She fell onto the couch. Elizabeth's real father stumbled down the stairs. He grabbed a knife and stabbed the monster that played his girlfriend. She dissolved into golden dust. The monster that portrayed himself went over and stabbed him just like he did with Elizabeth.

Elizabeth. Thalia stabbed the monster, though the father was dead. Percy, Grover, and Gabriella went over to Elizabeth who was bleeding and had her eyes closed. "Come on. We need to get her to Camp Half-blood," Thalia said. They nodded.


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