Handsome Stranger

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It was long after sunset and the streets were lit only by the faint glow of the streetlights. Hongjoong wasn't used to being out of the studio before sunrise and hadn't realized how pretty it was. The walk to Raise a Glass was pretty short but he found himself wishing it was just a bit longer. As he was taking in the beauty of the night, he felt an arm wrap around his shoulders.

"I'm really glad you decided to come out with us hyung," smiled San, giving him a tight squeeze.
"I'm glad too," Hongjoong smiled back, ruffling San's hair.

"We're here!" announced Jongho, leading them into a rather nice-looking building at the street corner.

"After you," smiled Yeosang with an eyebrow cocked.

"You don't have to worry I'm not running back to the studio," reassured Hongjoong and he meant it. He wanted to be there for his bandmates tonight.

The group walked up to the bar and began ordering.


"I still can't believe you plotted together just to get me to come out with you guys," laughed Seonghwa as the group neared their destination.

"You know if you had ever willingly let us out early to have fun before, we wouldn't have had to," scowled Wooyoung.

"If we hadn't locked that studio door you would still be in there, am I right?" Yunho pressed, looking Seonghwa in the eye.

Seonghwa sighed.

"Well, yeah. But that doesn't mean I don't know how to have fun!"

"Oh god, please don't do anything stupid tonight we can't babysit you if you get sloppy drunk," Wooyoung whined.

"It would be kind of funny though," laughed Mingi.

"I will do no such thing," glared Seonghwa as the other three started laughing.

"Okay as long as you say so," teased Yunho.

They arrived at the bar and walked inside to get drinks.

The building was poorly lit but rustic on the inside, with hand-crafted wooden tables lining the room. At each table sat a lantern and a cute little potted flower. After the group had ordered they took a table near the back of the bar and continued their conversation.

"I'm just saying, if we want people to watch our performance, we have to dress for the occasion!" defended Wooyoung.

"Wearing tight leather pants and open button-up shirts is not a dress code for any occasion," Seonghwa rebutted.

"You're just trying to show off your thighs," whined Mingi.

"Are you saying you my thighs aren't worthy of being shown off?! Because I can tell you people will want to see them," Wooyoung stated confidently.

"It's still better than your last idea," said Yunho.

"Agreed," said Mingi.

"At least he included actual shirts this time," laughed Seonghwa.

"Okay but guys we would be so sexy shirtless and like no one would expect it!"

The other three just laughed at him.

At that moment another group of four entered the bar, lead by a shorter man with light blonde hair. Wooyoung tensed up at the sight but his bandmates didn't notice. Mingi and Yunho didn't see the group come in and were having a playful argument about whether or not Mingi qualified as a Gryffindor (Yunho said he was definitely a Hufflepuff, Mingi strongly disagreed). Seonghwa caught himself staring at the handsome stranger leading the group and quickly turned back to his bandmates. He was cute, but he definitely didn't have time to be thinking about romance. Wooyoung was typing hurriedly on his phone and looking up every so often, staring at something across the room. His knee bounced below the table. Seonghwa took a big drink and turned his head again to get another glimpse of the cute boy, almost choking when he realized he was walking over.

"Hi there, handsome stranger. Would you like a drink?"

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