Sweet moments

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The chapter starts from six people waiting at airport at New Delhi airport. As they

turn we can see their face and they are-Shiv Abhishek Mehra Navya Mehra Shahana Mehra Reha MehraAhaan MehraandKrittika Mehra Do you really think Navu that this is right; Shiv exclaimed as he really didn't want to meet with his niece after the rash fight between them. Common Shiv stop acting like a kid not just that Adi is still a child you need to compromise if not at least understand his point of view rather than it I feel you are the kid here. And stop right there ok we all know why Adi is behaving like that and common it's his first day of collage we should be with him to support him naso chaloo; Navya chided seeing him behaving like a kid.*Sigh* Okay as you say Navya Madam; Soon the taxi came and all of them left towards Mehra House.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Adi's pov

As I see my destination my happiness knows no bound. I am going to be with Dad after 8 years. O god these feelings are too overwhelming to speak or to do anything. My eyes were brimming with unshed tears. My lips were shaking in fact I was shaking in whole. Suddenly I felt someone hugging me and I closed the eyes feeling the manly warmth radiating from him. The smell of collagen was actually soothing me. I won't deny if I say I didn't love it. I was hugging him tightly. But something made me frown. It's the warmth which was coming. It's not like I didn't like it in fact I loved it. But it felt as if Dad- I open my eyes as the realization dawned upon me I was hugging o wait clinging my dad all this while. I looked at him tears started brimming. He too looked at me and silently rubbed my tears off. 

Ranbir's Pov

I was walking towards the office when I saw a boy little more than Ruhi's age looking at the office building and looks like he was going to breakdown any moment. I rushed toward him as I don't know why but I wanted to keep him with me and say that I am there and you don't have to worry. His tears hurtled me. I hugged him and I felt as if I was hugging someone who is very close to me I felt as if I was at peace. I felt just like when I hugs Ruhi. My heart beats in the same way when I be with Ruhi. He slowly opened his eyes and looked at me. Tears were again brimming in his eyes. I slowly rubbed it off as his tears sliced my heart. I could never bear tears in Ruhi's eyes some was what I felt with him but can't point out why. He slowly and hesitantly started parting away from the hug and with the eyes showing the gratitude he said; Thanks un-uncle. It's okay dear I have daughter I can understand. By the way you here any need. Yeah actually I came for an interview here. Interview you seems young for a job my child. I know but I wanted to be independent. I want to stand on my legs and don't want to be dependent. hmm your parents would be really proud of you. Yes, My Mom would be. And what about your dad*With a small pause* Would you have been happy.*Shocked and Surprised* Umm yes I would have been. Then my Dad would have been too. Ranbir was surprised and confused but left it. Then the day went by wherein he was appointed and they had sweet moments. In the evening. Ruhi came out from the collage and started waiting for Her Bhai whereas Adi was coming from opposite direction. They unknowingly bumped into each other and fell down. I am actually very sorry No No its okay I am okay Actually I was searching for my sister and didn't even gave a look at the way.*Suspiciously* What's Your name? Umm Aditya Prachi Mehra. *With wide eyes* BhaiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiAdi closed his eyes and looked around only to look that everyone was looking at them and saw everyone looking at them and he started glaring at her. While she smiled sheepishly realizing the weird look everyone was giving. She didn't mind it at all and hugged Adi tightly leaving him startled. He hugged her as soon as he registered her tears as he cannot bear tears in his choti's eyes. He with difficult parted away and rubbed away her tears along with whispering sweet nothings. Though he had tears in his eyes but he cared less about them as now his main priority was His Choti, His Ruhi. He hugged her once again as to his life depends on her. The hug was broken when he saw Shiv there. He also noticed Adi came towards them and started talking to them to which Adi rudely replied but gota bet from Ruhi for talking to their Mamu like this. To which he sighed and replied normally as he could never stop listening to her so he did what she wanted. Rest of the day went by.

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