Maaf Karde Meri Maa

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Mallika's POV:

"it's his fault today"
"this time he crossed his limits"
"he'll only apologize today"
"y'all must be thinking whom I talking about right, I'm talking about my boyfriend Sumedh.
He's such an idiot man!!!! I'm done with him".

You know what he did today, so it's like he keeps on flirting with girls, and to be honest I don't think there's something wrong in doing that as I know that I'm not the 'husn pari jaane jahan, sabse haseen sabse jawan' girl that I'll be the most prettiest one in this whole world. But today, he crossed his limits. He was flirting with that bitch 'Neha' or should I say makeup ki factory. I really hate that neha, she always keeps hitting on my man.


But you know what, I'm feeling sad for him as his lips will look so white now, bcoz of dozens of powder that factory had wore.
So after my boyfriend's not so lovely deeds,  I was so furious at him that I straight away started arguing with him.

Y'all must be thinking that why I'm not breaking up with him, it because I love him so much that I can't broke up with him on this issue and after all he's my cutie putie pingu!!

So currently I'm going to library after a lovely fight with my boyfriend. (*note the sarcasm)

Sumedh's POV

Okay sumedh, this time you have messed up very badly!!! Chal beta ready hoga mikku ke nakhre sehne ko (okay son, now get ready to tolerate her tantrums).

I know where she must be right now, the only place she feels goods after my arms.
I entered the library and as I said found her reading book, but wait a min which book is she reading?
Wait, as far as I remember she doesn't know how to read French, Urdu, Japanese, Spanish, Arabic, Portugese any of the languages then what is she reading.

Okay, she's holding the book upside down and just pretending to be reading!!
Huffff nakhre uffffff!!!

(A/N : The books she's reading is 'The Fault In Our Stars' )

So let's begin our mission 'Apology'

No one's Pov :

As per his plan,
Sumedh passed one flower towards her, but mikku being still angry on him destroyed the rose and threw it out of window to which sumedh gulped his saliva in fear.

Next he passed a pink rose towards her, to which she removed the petals of the rose and threw it randomly somewhere which accidentally hit a random boy who was engrossed in his book.

Next he passed a chit on which it was
written 'I love you'. This time she tear it up and threw it, which again hit the same boy.

Next he passed a teddy bear on which it was written 'sorry love'. She threw the teddy once again and coincidentally that teddy again hit the same boy which caused him to leave the library.

Next he passed a dairy milk towards her with note : 'you look so beautiful in anger'
To which she rolled her eyes and kept it aside.

Next he passed  perk with a note : 'my girl looks drop dead gorgeous when she wears white crop top'. This time she blushed a little and again kept the chocolate aside.

Next he passed a Kit Kat which was her favorite : "I'm sorry damsel, you know na how much I flirt with every girl but at the end of day I love you only. You're my everything jaan. You're the mosttttttt prettiest girl I have ever met in my life. No girl can take your place in my heart as it's already occupied by my veryyyy beautiful girlfriend Mallika Singh. Now please forgive me noooooooooooo"
Now this was something mikku can't resist she finally ate that chocolate along with other also.

Sumedh seeing this did a victory dance and patted himself for doing this much hardwork.

As she was about to go, sumedh came and back hugged her.
"I'm sorry my damsel" he said while nuzzling his nose on her neck.
She didn't responded to him.
He then started kissing her neck and sliding his hands under her top making patterns on her belly.

"are you forgiving me or you want more"? He said huskily in her ears. To which she turned red and said "okay okay I forgave you, now leave me"

He then made her turn towards him and kissed her forehead and said 
"I love you"
She blushed and replied "I love you too"

And said " je main tuhanu ik vara phira Kisi hora kudi nala milia, tam main tuhanu ase uta kudi nu mara dianga" ( if I found you once again with that girl, I'll kill you and that girl also) in threatening voice.

Sumedh chuckled and replied "okay okay mi puhana karanara nahi" (I'll not do it again).


This was it for the chapter guys. Finally posted my first ever one shot, being the happiest person alive on the earth right now.

How's the chapter???
And feel free to correct my mistake as I know it will contain grammatical mistakes😂
And take care of yourself in this horrible pandemic.


          🌸Love from Riva🌸
          ❤Radhe Radhe❤

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