Marriage (2)

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Mallika's pov :

"is this lehenga suiting me Monika?"
"oh gosh, this jewelleries are soo heavy. In morning I just had to wear a white gown and veil and that's it I'm a bride, but now here I have to wear sooo many things. But this makes me look more beautiful."
"mumma what if in between rituals I need restroom?? What will I do?"
"also, should I keep the veil on my head, between my head or till my chest? Which one look good?"
"Com'on mallika, it's just marriage everything will be okay chill" Monika replied stuffing apple in her mouth.
"shut up Mon, you don't know anything"

Their talks very broken when mallika's mom came to take her to the pavilion.

"my princess is looking so beautiful in this attire" her mom said with tears in her eyes.
"not now mom please, I'll cry now" mallika replied after controlling her tears.
"okay listen, you'll be bride now okay and being a wife is not that easy you have to take many responsibilities and always be happy and keep your husband happy."
"okay mumma" mallika replied
"let's go, your husband is desperately waiting for you" saying this her mom winks at her
"mumma please, let's go" mallika replied hiding her blush.

With this I exited my room and started walking to the pavilion. While walking all our flashbacks started coming in my mind. How our love story started, our love, our fights, our childishness, our first kiss, his proposal, meeting his family, and finally marriage. He was the one who asked me to do Christian wedding first and then Hindu wedding. Though we both are hindu but I believe in Jesus very much and from beginning sumedh knows how badly I wanted to marry in Christian style. I love him so much for this gesture. We decided that we'll do both the weddings on the same day. Morning we'll do Christian wedding and at evening we'll do hindu wedding. Both of our families also agreed on this decision.

( Mallika's outfit)

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( Mallika's outfit)

( Mallika's outfit)

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( Sumedh's outfit)

With this I didn't even realised when  hand came towards me and that hand was none other than sumedh's. I gladly accepted it and then we both sat at our places in front of fire. I was engrossed in the rituals when Sumedh's husky voice broke my thoughts saying "you're looking just like a queen. My queen"
I blushed hardcore hearing this and all my cousins were smirking seeing my this state and even sumedh also.

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